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Reaction Begins: 03:58
Discussion Begins: 17:43
MVP/Flop Begins: 28:29

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  1. Just a heads up, the next few videos I'll be posting are pre-recorded. Like season 3, we binge watched episodes 1-5 in a day! So, you'll notice that we may be asking the same questions (demon baby! 1 time thing, got it!), have the same ongoing preconceived notions about character motives/choices (Sansa's escape choices, Lady Stark releasing Jamie, halfhand/Jon Snow, handmaiden betrayal, etc), character names (advisor guy = Jorah lol), and etc.

    Hope you guys understand and don't get too frustrated haha

    That being said, I appreciate the massive support and love all of you show us! Hope you guys enjoy the videos! 🙂 <3

    Support on Patreon! : https://www.patreon.com/vizortv

  2. The Kingsguard is a special order of 7 knights (best in the realm technically) that only have one sworn duty, protect the King and the royal family. Because that is their only duty, they forsake any claims to lands and family, that is why Tyrion said Jamie renounced his rights to the Lannister fortune and whatever. And Barristan Selmy served in the Kingsguard which protected the father of Daenerys as well. So basically he is returning to what he views is his normal duty.

  3. Yes, so maybe as you guys have already found out from the comments, Jon's plan (or the Halfhand's plan in fact) is to infiltrate the wildling army to find out stuff about them. Robb Stark and his army arrived at Harrenhal, you know, the place where Arya and Tywin met. It was from there that Tywin and his army left to King's Landing to defend the capital from Stannis. And they are pretty far away from the actual north. Basically they have already crossed that place with his army. They lost the soldiers from the old guy, and they will not be able to cross back that bridge.

  4. Your reactions are great guys, I love your investment in the show and the characters. And I like your new intro too. In this video though I found it hard to hear what you were saying sometimes as the show's audio was a bit loud. Just thought I'd let you know.

  5. Re: Robb Stark's location in this episode- Robb and his forces arrived at Harrenhal. This is the same place where Arya was held prisoner and made to serve Tywin Lannister as his cupbearer. They are not in the North, they are VERY close to King's Landing.

  6. Re: Jon killing Qhorin Halfhand- You definitely needed to pay close attention to all of Qhorin's scenes to understand why Jon killed him. It was all part of Qhorin's plan. He sacrificed himself to give Jon a chance to infiltrate the wildlings. He wanted Jon to kill him, and Jon knew this and understood why.

  7. btw… its Daenarys NOT Khaleesi … Stannis advisor guy is Ser Davos Seaworth.. and do you even read the comments.. it was stated in many threads what the "demon" from the red woman was and its purpose.. anything you want to know ask away

  8. Alli "What the F*** is that"? …….that is a Manticore, it is an insect which carries extremely toxic venom. Manticore's are indigenous to the islands of the Jade Sea and its venom is sometimes used to tip weapons such that the merest scratch from the weapon is deadly.

  9. Letting u guys know… the deal with walder fray was to cross the twins there and then. its already been crossed but rob didnt hold up his end of the deal with marrying one of his daughters

  10. Love how your channel looks guys and your videos are quality. The MVP and Flop of the eps is classic hh. I personally think Sam could have been the Flop as well. He had one job to do and that was to send the ravens and he failed lmao
    The Slaughtered people that Robb and the North found were from Harenhaal, you know where Arya and Gendry were held prisoners with Tywin. They escaped but they killed everybody else.
    As for the demon baby lol that can only be produced by blood magic through intercourse. Stannis only slept with Melisandre once. Until he chooses to do it again no demon baby for now lol
    Looking forward to other videos. Great content as always and you guys are cool and funny.

  11. I won't spoil anything for you but a "re-watch" of Jons' fight with the "half-hand" may give you guys a better incite into Jons intentions. Robb puts his mom into a cell to protect her. The Carstarks and at least one other family wanted Jamie dead and she set him free. Robb would never see his mother hurt. Keep watching and it will come together. You guys are doing a great job reacting.

  12. NO SPOILER here: Jon was told to infiltrate the Wildlings, aka The Free Folk, by Quorin Halfhand who sacrificed himself to make Jon look believable by the Free Folk. but he told Jon as he died: We are the Watchers on the Wall, reminding him of his duties. but Jon is conflicted now because he saw that Lord Commander Mormont knew what was happening with Craster, but he told Jon they need that Craster fort for protection so let's face it that was a delicate balance. so jon is conflicted. it's perfect, who wants black and white characters. You two gentlemen will be hard pressed to find any one in this epic who is a cardboard character IF you understand their backgrounds. their personalities came from somewhere. George R R Martin is a genius. and the flop is funny, but you're about to realize that you are not going to be able to do that a lot because GRRM's perspectivism approach make us think about EVERYONE's motivations and they are multileveled and complex. but can't wait for you two to argue about it.

  13. This is NOT a spoiler, but an explanation to "Jaime can't inherit" situation. When I first put it together and realized that Jaime went and joined King's guard and through that gave up his rights to inherit and to marry, I could only imagine the heart attack that Tywin suffered when hearing this news and realizing that Tyrion is now his SOLE HEIR. Now, at that time, Cercei was supposed to marry into the royal family and live at King's Landing. And Jaime heard that Tywin was planning to marry him to someone (Lysa, I think) and in order to secure his place next to Cercei and to be with her and her alone, Jaime joined the King's guard.

  14. Love the videos guys, but please, please, please keep your eyes on the show; I get that it's difficult to write and watch at the same time, but I'm watching Charles Dance ace his role as Lord Tywin when he's dismissing Tyrion and I've seen you both take your eyes off (even momentarily).

    … Or perhaps you watch it again afterwards, I don't know. But if you're only watching it the once, you're bound to miss important details. This may come across as rude, and I'm honestly not trying to be but in all honesty, it's easy to miss minute but important details. Every second serves a purpose.

    Keep them coming. And regarding the Unsullied who had his nipple torn off, part of their training includes drinking "Wine of Courage", which is a drink that dulls pain. They drink it with every meal and as the years go by, they grow more and more resilient to pain.

  15. Ser Baristan is mentioned often in season 1 and 2. The conversation between Robert, Ned and Jamie when the talk about their first kill, they all regard Ser Baristan as the best. When Jamie tells Brianne tah "maybe" there's 3 men than can take him in all seven kindoms, one is Ser Barristan

  16. god I hope you guys have a moderator. From what I see people are being very nice and subtle, but a few were steppin on thin ice. I feel like its only a matter of time before someone spoils something, whether It be on purpose or on accident, yall have a friend whos seen it before maybe? or maybe get one of your viewers like me who cares if you get spoiled to do it? have a contest and the winner gets to ramble through comments lol. just a thought, wouldn't want yall getting spoiled. ur reactions are the best ones.


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