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  1. There's one thing I don't understand. Jorah clearly advised to go to Astapor, and he's the one who told Dany to buy unsullied, even though they are slaves, and it's against her morals. But when Dany makes a deal to give Drogon in exchange, he said it's a bad idea, and she shouldn't do it. But they had NOTHING valuable except for the dragons. So what the hell did Jorah think to use as payment??

  2. Just think, if Selmy had decided to abandon KL after Robert pardon him he most likely would have been protecting Viserys and Daenerys since they were children. Heck Viserys might have even been a good fighter if he trained him.

  3. Listen to Jorah the Andal-when the Dothraki see her in command over 3 large dragons they will fall in line! All 3 will be free in season 6-in the books the 2 remaining dragons freed themselves either Dany will free them or maybe even Tyrion-she stood in front of a roaring Drogon-3 heads in 1

  4. 8:50 Barrison Sylvie hasn't got to prove how much he's hyped up to be in this show yet from what I've watched first series he says he could cut about 6 knights down when Joffery fires him then since he returned 2 series later here he hasn't done any expect stab that scorpion & chase that demon girl with the knife : / I want to see he kill people already

  5. SPOILER ALERT! 1:42 Does anyone else think that comment is a foreshadowing of the season 5 finale, when Daenerys is surrounded by the Dothraki khalasar? Maybe the Dothraki aren't there to hurt her…Maybe she's proven that she's strong enough to lead, so they might have come to follow her?

  6. Is this episode supposed to be many months after S02E10? The dragons have grown so it appears so. So why has no time passed for Tarly and the other Night Watch soldiers? They were running from the White Walkers at the end of the last episode. At the start of this episode they're still running. Also, Ygritte tells Snow he's going to meet Mance Rayder at the end of the last episode. At the start of this episode, he meets him. So no time has passed for the Night Watch or the Wildlings but it has passed in Daenerys' stoyline. 


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