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  1. So many powerful and emotionally moving scenes & dialog and master story-telling because the writers at HBO had George's books to pull from when shaping their sets and scenes. Not the case from S6 onward, sadly. The series has a forward momentum and great inertia based on what these seasons accomplished for it's status as the best series in the world on television. Can't take that away from it. It's just unfortunate it passed up the books and has to wing it for several episodes until it ultimately converges with George's vision for the ending.

  2. They turned her to a goddess sad when she had to execute the guy name Mossadar and they turned on her for that time… But its reasonable that would happen for you can't expect perfect planning in times of that… I love this scene when you hear Drago screeching when the Unsullied get ready for a fight… Its like he was telling them.. "Hold".. And even more so when you see the two in the chains where one laughed at The imp fir saying don't eat the help. Lol… Great show… I love it.

  3. I don't want her to die. I hated Tyrion when he asked her about the successor. And now when we know that Jon has the legitimate right to the Iron Throne. I fear for her life. I didn't invest 7 years of my life in her character just to see her die in the end 🙁


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