Couldn’t help but be somewhat annoyed at the music choice for the credits. Figured it wouldn’t hurt to change it myself.



  1. To people who didn't understand this. Did you really think it was other people who put it there? If you actually paid attention to start of the episode, you could hear the men singing the same song just without the rock instrumentals. I am totally ok with them putting it in, as it gives a less serious tone and shows what can happend to people like Jamie. Breaking Bad does the same thing sometimes as it leaves some cheesy mexican song after something shocking. Its purpose is to give a big contrast from what just happend and make you say "What?!" even more.

  2. Yes. I like your idea for the alternate. It's great. Using this dramatic music makes more sense because it brings a dramatic feel throughout the credits after a great shock for a viewer who hasn't read the books or is spoiler free. Why they used a rock song for the credits in the original, I don't know? But that was silly and just made it look like something to laugh at after Jaime gets his hand cut off which is inappropriate.

  3. y'all pussies, -I didn't like the rock song waah wah!!, you didn't spect the man cutting Lannister's hand? so you didn't spect the rock song ending either.. plot twist bitches! I loved it.. .l.

  4. This makes much more sense… What the hell were they thinking putting a modern folk song into the credits? It threw me off; forgot I was watching Game of Thrones. If their intention was to take you out of the setting of a medieval/fantasy realm, then they succeeded.

  5. So you saw the credits sequence came with a music which was really different than usual -which imho provided a great, even amusing contrast with the somewhat shocking scene that closed the episode- and thus decided to edit it in order to obtain the same thing you hear at the end of nearly every episode. Congrats man, you restored order to the universe.


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