Reaction Starts @ 3:54
Fair use is 9 min 59 sec
Discussion starts @ 17:58



  1. Alright! Two in one day? You guys rock!

    Got to settle this before it becomes a cultural phenomenon. 1. Only Han shot, from under the table. Greedo never fired, only talked smack and threatened certain death.
    2.Mark said 23.
    Being the constant purveyor of such trivial facts can make one feel like the Watcher.

    Yeah… might want to tone down that mutant empathy super power next few episodes… or the rest of the show… otherwise you're in for constant pain.

    Love how she caught the king's blood-Gendry connection right away. And how instantly she became protective of him. Intuitive.

    Pod, Bronn, Tyrion scene is classic! Shows just how beautifully improper those three are by the fact they can hang as boys despite all the madness and intrigue around them.


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