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  1. I have been so waiting for you to get to this episode. It was this epidose that really set the table for tv show reviews and reactions. Just take a look at the readtions to this episode. I am really surprised that you haven been spoiled.

  2. Guys, Tywin and Arya were at Harrenhal; which is in the Riverlands, below The North. Casterly Rock is the the capital of the Westerlands.

    And the cloth depicts "The Harpy", an emblem of the Old Empire of Ghis. It's similar to how the Three Headed Dragon is the Targaryen symbol, or the Direwolf for House Stark. It's Yunkai's flag basically.

  3. Wehn u realise Jon killed a guy and whispered in his ear "U were right the whole time" then later Roose tells Robb same way "The Lannisters send their regards" ……GOT is fucked up

  4. Fuck you guys. I was just about to go to bed. It's super late here. You're ruining my sleep. Why do you want to ruin my sleep? That's not very nice at all, no it isn't. 🙁

    This is gonna be too good! <3

  5. 1. It wasn't Casterly Rock that Arya was held prisoner at, it was Harrenhall
    2. It wasn't the youngest Frey daughter, it was one that he didnt show earlier
    3. The cloth Daario brought to Daenerys was a flag, showing that they took control of the city.


  6. Fuck… I get excited every time before I watch someone watch it, and then slowly throughout the episode the excitement just turns to dread and I know I don't really want to go through this again. In a way I'm glad it's still affecting me after so many times, but man, does it hurt…


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