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A look inside the season finale of Game of Thrones Season 3.

Game of Thrones is an original HBO series based on George R.R. Martin’s best-selling novels. In a world where summers span decades and winters can last a lifetime, the crown of Westeros comes with a price. Betrayal, lust, intrigue and supernatural forces shake the four corners of the Kingdom, from the scheming south and the savage eastern lands, to the frozen north and the ancient Wall that protects the realm from the darkness beyond. Kings and queens, knights and renegades, liars and noble men vie for power in the bloody struggle for the Iron Throne.

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Game of Thrones: Season 3 – Inside Episode 10 (HBO)



  1. Tywin: Explain to me why it is more noble to kill 10,000 men in battle than a dozen at dinner?
    Me: Maybe if you did it YOURSELF! You might understand!
    And a dozen at dinner?! You must be joking, but I'm sure you deny any involvement in it yourself, 'CATEGORICALLY!'

    Tywin was a great schemer and tactical man and a true leader; believe me I respected him, but I always thought that his greatest flaw was despite how much supremacy he displayed he was always a weak man because no matter how much he outnumbers his enemies, he always gets someone else to do it his deeds and dirty work for him and he can't bring himself to do it Himself.

    Another strategy of his, no doubt, and I admire it, it makes me feel that there is humanity inside him, but I mean that sort of strategy worked on Oberyn Martell, but Tywin is no better than a great fool just like his daughter Cersei and his grandson Joffrey for not seeing how this would all come at him one day and worse from his son Tyrion who he loathed and made the biggest mistake of his life by letting him live.

  2. How did Tywin give assurances to Walder and then Roose? The wedding was only planneed in a day or two. Jamie only knew when Roose told him about it. Tywin didn't know about the "The Lannisters send their regards" comment.

  3. @gameofthrones if yu kill Tyrian Lannister I'm done watching it , not only me I have my 100 frnds who watch this show if anyone see him dying we all will stop watching, we don't care what book says but we don't want Tyrian dying

  4. Come on Game of Thrones. Make it up to the whole fandom by giving Ramsay the horrific death he so very much deserves. At the hands of Jon would be fine by me. But really, just kill him already. Slowly and painfully if possible. Then and only then will we consider forgiving you for all the Stark-related tragedies (we eventually won't, but we can give it a try).

  5. Oh! You wanted us asking questions about Theon! I haven't read the books, so I assumed you just weren't giving us enough exposition as a fault of the transformation to TV… I was googling the fuck out of what happened in Winterfell.

  6. I'm kind of confused. In the book, Lady Stark escapes and is still alive but she clearly got her throat cut at the wedding. I liked the Starks and they are practically all gone. 

  7. I agree with Roose Bolton's actions tbh. Robb was bleeding the north to death, he would have never have won, even if he did defeat the Lannisters, the iron born would have finished him off.

  8. Robb lost the war when he declined to have his mother tried for treason and hanged and when he tried to make an honest woman of the Westerling girl and break his contract with the Freys.

  9. confession bear: I actually enjoyed watching theon getting systematically grinded and butchered for what he done before…I mean c-mon how could how have pity for someone who burnt 2 kids alive and messed uh all winterhold?

  10. Spoiler warning

    Jorah's advances in season 4 might be cringe worthy.. I don't know if Daenerys' supposed to be the same age in the tv show but in the books i don't feel sorry for Jorah because he was like a 40 year old man after a teenage girl.
    Even if he was younger he shouldn't have tried and persisted even longer after she rejected him.
    There are plenty of other fish in the sea, Jorah!

  11. Tywin at least has some ruthless sense of Honor, Roose,on the other hand,is an oportunistic scum. There is an scene from the second book that doesn't appear in the series where he treats Arya like dirt.


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