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Game of Thrones is an original HBO series based on George R.R. Martin’s best-selling novels. In a world where summers span decades and winters can last a lifetime, the crown of Westeros comes with a price. Betrayal, lust, intrigue and supernatural forces shake the four corners of the Kingdom, from the scheming south and the savage eastern lands, to the frozen north and the ancient Wall that protects the realm from the darkness beyond. Kings and queens, knights and renegades, liars and noble men vie for power in the bloody struggle for the Iron Throne.

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Game of Thrones: Season 3 – Inside Episode 4 (HBO)



  1. "someone who strives to be just must also inact what seems to be cruelty."
    Couldn't agree more. Though, I was still upset seeing her do that. The witch had a very good reason for doing what she did. Her friends, home and town were destroyed or worse. But they only took over the town because Drogo and Dany wanted to actually campaign for the Iron Throne. So, you see, the Lazareen actually WERE victims (albeit, indirectly) of Dany's ambitions.
    I like Dany, but I don't always like her choices.

  2. I agree, though I must debate your opinion of Baelish. He doesn't just do what he does to survive- he is this way to further his own ambitions. He's a liar, inside and out. Even when Sansa had no idea what he was like, she knew that he was somewhat dishonest.
    Baelish may have started out being shrewd for self preservation, but it quickly became his power-play. Ever since he was bullied as a kid, he gained a longing for power. He wanted to be so powerful, people would respect and/or fear him.

  3. How do knives in the dark have to do with Jon's parentage. GRRM hasn't said anything explictly about Jon's family, neither confirming nor denying the theory about R & L, and Ned only ever says Jon is his blood never his son. I must have missed something if there really is evidence. And wikipedia too since I looked it up before replying.

  4. I don't wish to nitpick, Game of Thrones (or its proper title: A Tale Of Fire And Ice) is a good adaption of the book….but a lot of the stuff has been changed since season 2. I can point out the obvious such as the absence of Jayne Westerling or Daenerys Targaryen's completely replaced story in A Clash of Kings.

    But what really annoys me..why is the Unsullied not based off Greek hoplites and Roman legionaries like they are in the books? Grey Worm should have the characteristics of a Roman.

  5. Nothing can justify some of the things he's done, but Joffrey does have some motivation. He had a screwed up idiot of a mom and two dads, one biological and one paternal, who didn't give a shit about him. He basically had no father figure to speak of. In fact, Cersei basically ignores her other two children, and they seemed to have turned out okay. He's detestable through and through, but the blame for that undoubtedly goes to Cersei, and to an extent, Robert.

  6. there isn't a single person in game of thrones who has the heart you are looking for. everyone has just as much capacity to do evil as to do good. the world isn't black and white my friend.

  7. You forgot about the mountain . . . you know that brute who threw babies against a wall? He's fucked up. Roose Bolton is bad, but his son is pure evil. Joffrey is inbred and had a messed up childhood which compounded his psychopathy. Euron Greyjoy is pretty messed up as well but he's also just really bad ass.

  8. That doesn't eliminate the possibility of him being half Targaryen. Jon's whole life has been defined by his bastard status and trying to make Ned proud, so what would be more dramatic than the revelation that his whole identity is built on the lie that he is neither the son of Ned Stark or a bastard. I think Lyanna never wanted to marry Robert, fell in love with Rhaegar at the Harrenhal tourney, and willingly ran away with him to become his second wife in secret.

  9. no the book clearly says clearly that of all his kids, Jon looks the most like Ned, one reason why catlyn dislike more, but yeah your are right he goes out of his way to say that, and he cant even speak of it with Robert during their ride to kings landing, even when Robert kept pressing for details of the women he thought was Jon's mother, like if it was the person he thought it was and how was she. Arya says Lyanna is beautiful and Arya is said to be ugly,others say she look like her

  10. In Book 1 it is said that Arya and Jon look alike, and that Arya looks like Lyanna. Did you notice in the book Ned goes out of his way to always refer to Jon as "of his blood", never as his son? Also when Ned has a flashback to when he found Lyanna at the Tower of Joy guarded by three Kingsguard and in a "bed of blood". That phrase is used in ACoK as a euphemism for a birthing bed.

    If Ned ever revealed the truth Robert Baratheon would want Jon dead like he wanted all the other Targaryens.

  11. I'm not one of those who believe in the Rheagar + Lyanna theory but Howland Reed is the only one who knows what happend at the tower of joy, why Lyanna died if it were by Rheagar's hand or by giving birth. So technically Ned haven't trusted him with it but he knows because he was there, but yes they were really close that's why I would liked to see what would have happend if they helped Robb in the war.

    I can't wait to until we're allowed to meet him, I've never seen him but I still love him.

  12. well that is your option and you are entitled to it, all you mentioned was one event, and seemed confused about it, so it was my fault and inferred you had not read the books. I dislike sansa and her mom. and a bunch of other character, but that's just my option.

  13. own wife. I forget the other knight who new the secret but he is dead anyway. The only living person to know is Myra and Jojen Reeds father. (I forget his name too, my apologies) (he only was ever seen crying when he heard Ned was dead which shows their closeness and why Ned would trust him with the secret.) This is all theory, but it's the best theory I have heard. Take it or leave it.


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