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Game of Thrones is an original HBO series based on George R.R. Martin’s best-selling novels. In a world where summers span decades and winters can last a lifetime, the crown of Westeros comes with a price. Betrayal, lust, intrigue and supernatural forces shake the four corners of the Kingdom, from the scheming south and the savage eastern lands, to the frozen north and the ancient Wall that protects the realm from the darkness beyond. Kings and queens, knights and renegades, liars and noble men vie for power in the bloody struggle for the Iron Throne.

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Game of Thrones: Season 3 – Inside Episode 9 (HBO)



  1. This episode was totally stupid. Why was the Hound sitting on a cart eating when they should have been hastily going to Robb? I don't understand why Catelyn looked up Roose' sleeve. Then Roose ducked and ran. Why was Robb at a wedding while at war and prior to that at a funeral? And he even got married. Robb should have been going back to Winterfell. Tywin would have not made any of those mistakes.

  2. If I was rob I'd keep tywin on the defense give the impression that they would march in castly Rock but instead divert the northern armies to take back the north from the iron born idd send the umbers and the gloves to take back winterfell and the coast send the boltons north to take molt kalin then bring back more fighting men and supplies so that if the red wedding dos happen at least the stark and Tully armies would be able to hold back the freys

  3. I NEVER cared for Cat…. she treated Jon like Shit… glad she died….
    Felt bad for Rob….. but his brother Jon and Sister Arya AVENGED his Death…..
    The White Wolf… The King of the North!!!

  4. Someone please explain to me…. WHY…. WHY ON EARTH would he bring his wife with him to people he openly betrayed and insulted? WHat the hell was he thinking? Is it possible that book Robb who was 16 could realise how wrong would be to bring his wife and this older and "smarter" Robb could not? Bullshit…. Just leave her at Riverrun for fuck sake…

  5. They should have kept Catelyn clawing the sides of her face with her fingernails. Those last moments of that chapter are just perfect. I'm still cut we didn't get the Storm of Swords epilogue.

  6. I can vividly remember crying and screaming at the top of my lungs at the TV when I first saw this episode. And still several years after I cry when I rewatch those scenes. Thanks a lot George.

  7. Honestly I think this was a pretty crappy scene. You tried to make the show unpredictable, but I really think your only making it predictable. While that is a great lesson, the good people don't always come out on top, thats not really how the show takes it. They have made it so the good (or atleast the Starks) NEVER come out on top. In every situation, the bad always prevails in the show, and that is kind of cheap. Once I got to the scene between Oberyn and The Mountain, I began to realize that the show is constantly putting you in a hole of shit. It seems pretty logical that Oberyn would win, but sure enough (as I had thought before) he died. I can see you try to put realism into the show if possible, but realism is not one sided. Its understandable that you have to kill off characters to make a show good, but when you kill off all the characters that actually make the show good, its no longer good… Really debating if im going to watch season 6 after all of this.

  8. When I watched this for the first time I had absolutely no idea it was coming. Even when rains of castamere started playing I thought nothing of it. Then I literally just sat there looking at my TV screen for 10 minutes with my jaw dropped.

  9. holy shit after this episode i really hoped for the dragon mother Daenerys  to come with the biggest army ever and slaughter everyone evil and take the crown… damn maybe it will happen havnt gotten further than this episode actually haha

  10. Jesus, poor fking Arya, this little overview they talked about shows how much hell shes been through, seems like most people forget all shes had to experience in such a short time. Basically witnessed both her father and brothers beheaded bodies.

  11. i think rob could have won the war

    stannis is the only king living now who survived the war of the 5 kings

    could this be because of the leech theory???

    when he burns the leeches in the books (or in season 2) he says walder frey's name, rob's name and joffrey's name and they all die whereas stannis doesnt 

    meh cant wait for winds of winter….but i have my GCSE exams 🙁

  12. Great King Robb would have made, not. He'd have sold you out for his own selfishness. He broke his oath during a time of war where alliances are of the utmost importance. No, he would have been a bad king, he threw his, and a lot of other people's lives away for a pretty face, useless.  

  13. Like Ned, Robb is very selfish. You have these great warriors and tacticians who are horrible leaders. Robb marrying Talisa showed that his oaths as a supposed king count for nothing. Furthermore, by losing the Frey support he put his men in a worse position troop wise. Hence, everyone started to see the war as a less and less winnable. It was already seen as a long shot beforehand. His men didn't matter, just his personal happiness. But they are supposed to fight and die for a man who put's himself above his  people? That's why Bolton betrayed him. Robb's war just wasn't feasible anymore and he didn't want to be on the losing side. I don't blame him.

    Ned put his honor above the safety of the kingdom. He knew that a war would come, but didn't care how many people suffered as long as his honor was intact. His personal sense of honor was more important than the safety of the kingdom and its people who he is supposed to protect. In hindsight I have a hard time looking at Robb or Ned as genuine good guys. They are just better people than Joffrey, Cersei, Walder, etc.

    Tywin is cool. A lot of people act like he's a bad guy. He's actually my favorite character. Love him handling Joffrey. He put that brat to bed. Lol. He's just doing what he needs to do to protect his house. He didn't start this mess. He just finished it. Not his fault Catelyn was stupid enough to take a Lannister prisoner and think they'd just take it lying down. What did Robb do the moment they took Ned? Mm-hm.

  14. There were several hints before, that this would happen. But when I saw it happen, I was really shocked. This was definitely the most terrible scene ever.
    When they all were killed, I thought for a moment, that the story couldn't go on.
    But it could and it does.

  15. I'm sorry but Robb's plan to invade Casterly Rock instead of going back to the North is absurd/illogical. He's The King in the North and the North is occupied by Iron borns and it's capital is in ruins!

  16. I read the books. I knew it was coming. But to see it was just unreal. Something that many people don't mention, but having studied film I found it so damn effective: At the end of the episode the credits came up in silence. In every other episode there was music of some kind during the credits. But there you are, in shock at what youve just seen (especially if you hadn't read the books), and no one has any words, and the room just goes absolutely silent as the credits run. That was BRILLIANTLY done.

  17. I got really confused when roose chose to send jaime back to the capital and i assumed he'd already turned on robb and i thought i'd missed something. Then i see him at the wedding and apparently the starks are completely unaware of any of this.

  18. they shoul've focused more on the Walder Frey perspective of the red wedding, sure everybody hates him (including me), but the freys are a relative young house, they own there titles and lordship solemly to the fact they have a necessery toll-bridge. Thats why many older yey less powerfull older houses despise them. Robb betraying Walder by marrying Jeyne Westerling is just that other pinch of salt in the old wound that Walder has suffered from since the beginning of his reign. that marriage with Robb hat to prove that they now hat Kingsblood in them and it hat to prove that were a house worthy of respect now

  19. People warned me about that and I was like: "you are going to a trap Robb, you must be a suicidal to go there with your entire army and family!"… But when it hapenned I went like: "Shit… I liked Robb and I wanted him to be the king of Westeros. Well, at least he won't will have to fight the dragon mother". That, pardon my french (and my english), shit was intense!

  20. Best show ever as we all might know. It shows a medieval world like it really was which is just fantastic. People were stupid back then and made stupid decisions and most of them didnt make it past the age 30 :p

  21. that is something I'll never forget. if "baylor", "blackwater" or "and now his watch has ended" weren't enough before, THIS was an episode that is just so f*cking worth it that I'll make EVERYONE I KNOW watch the whole show from episode one just to get to this!


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