Jack Gleeson, Natalie Dormer, George R.R Martin & Alex Graves comments on their scenes from Season 4, Episode 2: The Lion and the Rose.



  1. My father and me went to see him at a comic con. He was very nice to everyone who came up to his table for an autograph. I went up to him and talked to him and he signed the picture I made with him exactly the way I asked him too. My father came next and conversed with him in Hebrew. My father thanked him for the autograph and the next guy came. Then somethng very strange happened. The next guy came to him, stood about 190 CM and was muscular. Gleeson greeted the guy very cordial, put his hand out to shake the other guy's hand. The guy rebuffed him, would not shake his hand and said to Gleeson really mean, "I was just so happy to see you get what you deserve in Game of Thrones". Than it became very surreal. All of a sudden a transformation occured within Gleeson. He turned into exactly what he is. A tough irish kid who grew in a rough irish neighborhood. You could actually see the sudden change that came over him. Gleeson looked him directly in the eye, than said to him and uttered every every sylable as he said it , "Well, F – – k you too, M F." The security guard who was next to Gleeson just there sat there, with his mouth open, in shock and did not know what to do. The security guy had not made a move. He seemed paralyzed. Gleeson was about to spring on the the man and give him what for. The guy who started the whole thing realized he had made a fatal mistake, quickly backed down and told Gleeson he meant it as a joke. Gleeson said, "Don't you ever talk to me like that or anyone else for that matter, ever again." The guy said "Sure thing Jack whatever you say." Gleeson signed the photo and apparently added something else and handed it to him. The guy took it and scurried off. I would loved to have known what he wrote on that autograph.
    The part where I wrote that he was very nice to me and signed my autograph the way I wanted and my father spoke to him in Hebrew and thanked him for the autograph was all true. All the other stuff I made up.

  2. I wish they talked more about what's actually happening in the scene, not what running joke they had on set that day or the lighting and costumes. Like, a heavy scene like this and they want to talk about all this behind the scene stuff.

  3. Look at Jaime, running at breakneck speed to his dying son. Of course the kingsguard would rush to help, but the way he does so is clearly more than that. I actually felt bad for them a little as parents, even Cersei, for just a moment.

    I was so relieved and glad when Joffrey died though, and kinda horrified. Gleeson did such a good job.

  4. I genuinely hate King Joffrey with a passion but Jack Gleeson is a masterclass actor. I feel like he doesn't get enough praise. It is an actual skill to make an audience hate a character so much that they would imagine the most worst possible death on them.

  5. I just noticed that Tyrion places his hand gently on Sansa's @ 1:02 when the dwarf players are going against each other and enacting out Robb's death. It's so subtle — in fact almost out of frame — but SUCH a good indicator of how considerate Tyrion is. Amazing writing, directing and acting.

  6. the commentary missed explaining some important things about this acting, like when gleeson eats the cake, stops for a bit in a way that almost anticipates his actual choking, but he was just realising his uncle was about to leave. brilliantly performed there.

  7. Nothing gives me more joy than watching smug Cersei's face change into one of unadulterated horror once she holds her writhing, spiteful dying son in her arms. And yes I know that sounds sadistic but man, karma is a BITCH, The Starks send their regards, Cersei and Joffrey.

  8. I was actually really disappointed with Joffrey's death. He was one of the few characters that really makes the show feel less full when they're gone. Great credit to Jack Gleeson – a brilliant actor.

  9. A friend of mine who is watching the series has never read the books and has done a great job of avoiding spoilers. I have never seen someone so happy over a fictional death.

  10. I love that metaphor. Of the doves and Joffrey slicing open the pie and the camera quickly showing the dead dove he sliced then the camera flashing to Sansa. Showing us how Joffrey killed Sansa essentially. Sansa lost some of her innocence and was broken inside from Joffrey and kings landing when she was betrothed to him and I think it's brilliant how at joffreys wedding to another girl they show that really subtly. Brilliant

  11. I've only got the first 2 seasons on DVD, but wow that's interesting that his death was a re-shoot in a California parking lot lol. It actually makes a lot of sense now, with how Cersei and Tyrion are never in the same shot except when she's blurred from it. 

    And Jack is so modest, just let them thank you. You're an excellent actor!

  12. the day I seen joffery die I was working in the royal collage of surgeons and on the way home I was walking past the abbey theatre and there was jack Gleeson outside having a smoke…I asked could I take a pic and he said yeah no problem…really nice chap…and I said "its the weirdest thing…I just seen u killed off in game of thrones today"…he said"no way that was filmed ages ago in Croatia and California "and he laughed for abit….really nice chap.

  13. Sorry for commenting so much, but for a request is there any commentary for the Viper vs. The Mountain? I know the strongman competitor aka the guy who played The Mountain wont be on there commenting but I would love to hear Pedro and Peter together haha my 2 favorites for at least the time Pedro was there. And btw, am I the only one who feels like the actors don't interact with George enough?? 🙁

  14. Shame that GRRM didn't get to commentate on his own. He usually has a lot to say in his commentaries but with 3 others it's difficult for him to do so, especially since the actors/director are talking about their experiences on set which obviously GRRM doesn't have.


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