Rob Cesternino and Josh Wigler recap the Game of Thrones Season 4 Premiere, “Two Swords” on Sunday, April 6th at 10:15 pm ET / 7:15 pm PT

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In the episode Rob and Josh Discuss:

Tywin Lannister melting  Ned Starks sword to create a new sword which he gives to Jaime.  Josh thinks this scene signals that the Stark era is over after three seasons of Game of Thrones.  When Jaime gets the new sword, Tywin tells him that he wants him to go back to Casterly Rock.  Jaime balks at the idea and says he wishes to remain in the King’s Guard, presumably to hang out with Cersei in King’s Landing.

Tyrion waits with Bronn and Podrick  for the prince of Dorne. Tyrion finds out that Prince Oberyn Martell has come instead and is already in King’s Landing at the brother.  When we find Prince Oberyn he is interrupted from selecting prostitutes when he hears the Rains of Castamere being sung by Lannister men.  Oberyn stabs one of the Lannister men in the hand before being interrupted by Tyrion.  Josh helps explain Prince Oberyn’s (aka The Red Viper) feud with the Lannisters.  Oberyn was the brother of Elia Martell who married Rhaegar Targaryen.  When the Lannisters overthrew the Mad King they murdered all the Targaryens and allegedly had The Mountain rape and murder Elia Martell.  Prince Oberyn reminds Tyrion that the Lannisters aren’t the only one who repay their debts.

Daenerys seems to have lost control over her dragons.  One of the dragons snaps at her in the episode and Rob and Josh are amazed at how much they have grown since the end of the last season.  Rob and Josh discuss the new Daario Naharis (played by Michael Huisman).   Rob thinks Daenerys should have been even more pissed with Daario and Grey Worm for wasting everybody’s time.

Jaime Lannister gets outfitted with a new gold hand!  He doesn’t really like it but Rob thinks it’s pretty cool.  Jaime says he wants to stay in the King’s guard but Cersei says “not now” when he tries to be romantic. Cersei wants an apology for him leaving and says that Jaime took too long to return.  Rob and Josh discuss what Cersei’s problem really is.   Jamie and Cersei are interrupted when the woman who saw Shae leaving Tyrion’s room comes in.

Ygritte and Tormund talk about Jon Snow. Tormund says if he’s not dead, she let him live. Rob ask Josh to explain the new characters that join the Tormund Giantsbane and company.  Josh explains who the Thenns are and how they are cannibals by nature and love eating “crows”.

We see Jon Snow back with the Night’s Watch and hanging out with Sam.  When Jon Snow is court marshalled by the Night’s Watch, Rob thinks it was “such a Stark move” for Jon Snow to admit he slept with Ygritte. Jon Snow says that 100,000 men are about to invade and how Tormund Giantsbane is south of the wall. The council decides that they won’t be taking Jon Snow’s head.

Lady Olenna and Margaery Tyrell are picking out necklaces. Brienne of Tarth joins them and Lady Olenna is impressed with her. Brienne and Lady Margaery walk together and says it was Stannis that murdered Renly. Margaery says Joffrey is the king now as we get to see a statue of Joffrey.

As Arya and The Hound are riding and they find numerous dead men. Arya asks The Hound for a horse. Arya eventually sees a guy that killed her friend and wants her sword back leading The Hound and Arya to walk in to a tavern.  They are spotted by Polliver who took Arya to Harrenhal in Season 2.  When Polliver recognizes The Hound he offers to trade one of his chickens for Arya.  This ends up leading to a major fight scene with the Hound and Arya kicking some major ass.  In the end, Arya gets a horse.



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  1. I would say that at least a month has passed at the wall since the end of last season.  Jon Snow had 3 arrows stuck in him at the end of last season.  There's no way its only been 2 week or less, based on how he was getting around.  I'd be more inclined to say 5 or 6 weeks has passed.  At least.

  2. The drunk "knight" who meets Sansa in the Godswood is actually a scene taken out of the 2nd book, but there was more to it in the book.  I wonder where they are going with this on the show myself.

  3. a former knight goes out of his to reconnect with sansa giving her something that means the world to him…obviously he's not going to be a throw away character and his presense tonight will resonate later on. they're hinting at him helping out sansa physically when she's in danger….considering he's a knight and all.

  4. fucking love oberyn martell. pedro pascal is amazing. the scene where the two lannisters sing rains of castamere and oberyns girlfiriend or whatever tries to stop him.. that scene was fucking awesome. people who have already watched the episode knows this

  5. You forgot to close the comments! I don't think people will purposely post spoilers, but it's possible that they might accidentally spoil it by asking a leading question. GREAT REVIEW by the way! 😀 I've been following you for your reality recaps for Survivor and I'm so glad I found out you do these too. Yay! 🙂 Can't wait to go on this Game of Thrones season 4 journey with you and Josh, so thanks!


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