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  1. that's what wrong with the world both real life and in the show/books:
    looking different limits your capabilities. not what you can reach by yourself but the things people want to trust you with. tyrion is just king's landing punching bag this trial even though eveything, except the poison, actually happened it's still unfair. in real life people still make judgements out of looks instead of your mind (not everywhere though)

  2. Tyrion… Did not confess killing Joffrey in the book. Not in my version of the book at least (I just have read it). What is that? Is my version changed or something? I think I hear other people saying that in the books he confesses

  3. No.  I don't think they were child's bones.  I think they're going to have the same farmer appear again, except this time it will be the bones of his child.  That way it's a dramatic build up.

  4. didn´t anybody notice that the necklace Sansa was wearing was with her and Little finger smashed it when she came up the ship and now it appears in Pycelle´s hands? how is that so?!

  5. As far as child's bones go, I think it's a moment still coming. I dont recall exactly from the book, but I'm pretty sure there was at least a mention of Daenarys paying for killed goats. Her plot arc seems slowed a bit, we know she still has a big decision concerning her dragons in the future, and a catalyst to force that decision.


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