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  1. See, people call her accomplishments luck and maybe some of them really were, however, the reason Daenerys got to where she is is because she scrutinizes and filters the people she surrounds herself with.
    She doesn't want to deal with dishonest people, she doesn't want to deal with ex-traitors. She chooses carefully who she puts her trust in and her judgment of others is usually right.
    She may not be the most experienced ruler or a strategist, but to be fair, she almost always listens to her advisers and takes their counsel, as she's aware of her lack of competence in those fields. That's more than Cersei or Ellaria or many other characters can say.

  2. Hypocrisy right here.

    She sends away Jorah for "betraying" her, which is stupid since he's saved her and risked his life for her beyond counting but allows Barristan, a guy in relatively the same boat as Jorah, to remain by her side.

  3. People seem to really dislike Emilia's acting in this scene but I disagree. This way it makes Dany seem infuriating, confused and sad at the same time, not even being able to look him in the eyes. Trying not to let her emotions control her and keep it cool.
    Makes it a bit more heartbraking for Jorah.

  4. you can see the hurt in her eyes and the guilt in his eyes but as soon as he confesses his love to her in season 6 and show her the grey scale she is the one left felling guilty but he tells her not to be sorry after that she forgives him and everything is finally cool again :'D

  5. Fuck Jorah, you made all the wrong decisions here.  First, you should have been the one to tell her, and waaay earlier.  Second, you definitely shouldn't have denied it's authenticity.  Third, you try to defend your deception with your actions since then.  Fourth, this was the WORST moment to tell her you love her.  Fifth, you beg and reach for her…why would you think you'd be able to do that?  Read the room, man, you fucked up.

  6. Not exactly Selmy's finest moment. He knew the people in charge of Kings Landing, the same people who kicked him out of the King's Guard. Yet he bought this hook, line and sinker, because he was in competition with Jorah for Dany's loyalty.

  7. Lol, the sluttery she has…
    She let a complete stranger she only met to fuck her in her own dorm after he broke in and used some fluttery words.
    But her loyal friend who's been with her for all this time…?
    Most of the girls will forever be the same with some alchohol consumed. Based on personal experience with girls… And not nice ones too.
    She also let the throne get to her head. Hope she will pay for that.

    But, I'm still aware that she hasn't broken the rules, like Ned and Rob Stark did. Thus she'll probably won't die any time soon. They gave up on their values and died, they stopped living by their own moral codes.
    Everyone who gives up on themselves will get a heavy punishment. Depends on their act.
    Notice how Theon betrayed the family and village who raised him and loved him, he got a fate FAR worse than death.
    Ned who was always loyal to his rules and to his family got to die instantly. The reason he died was because he gave up on what he believed in. He confessed for something that he never did, and by that, betraying his moral rules. But he died instantly, because he was a good man.
    As for Rob and his mother, the reason they died was because they broke an oath to the Gods.
    Anyone who dies for a reason. Either they break an Oath, or betray themselves.

  8. Meh, dudes silly, he should have just left her here and found something better to do with his life.
    Even now hes still in the friend zone and he caught an STD trying to get back to her lol.

  9. I was looking to all those hate comments about Dany and I'm like ?????? It's like she has killed your family or something lmao
    You really thought she was gonna say "oh ok I trust you I know that you care about me and protected me and helped me a lot thank you marry me please " ???! I mean he was a FUCKING spy. Maybe if he said to her first she'd forgive him but she knew by someone else ! So if I understand well, if you heard from someone that your best friend was spying on you and was telling all your life to some of your enemies (yeah bc she's not a random people she supposed to be a queen) and bc of him you lost almost everything, you're gonna forgive him like that??? Yeah that's a mistake but I'd reacted the same way. We can clearly see that she's inner struggling with anger and sadness bc of his betrayal but she don't want to cry! I saw too that she was a bad actress? Maybe she's not the best on the show or idk but she's good, I totally feel what she felt in this scene and if you thought Dany was the kind of person to cry a river like a baby HELL NO, she's like 100% made of anger at this moment and she's heartbroken too that's why she don't want to look at him bc she'd cry and she want to be STRONG, bc she's a khaleesi and a queen. That's why too forgiveness is not even an option. It'd clearly show a weakness.

    PS: Dany didn't kill your family ok? She didn't even kill him idk why you're like this lol
    Plus it's not like we didn't know that Game of thrones wasn't a little show about love stories and easy forgiveness, I mean who forgives someone in this show ????? Who was weak and showed mercy ??

  10. There are many reasons for why most people are siding with Jorah (including myself) in this scene.
    Firstly, Emilia's portrayal of Dany is emotionless and dead cold. Sometimes I feel as if Emilia is getting tired of playing Daenerys so she's just reading lines.
    Secondly, in the book Dany desperately wants to give him another chance and is absolutely devastated when she learns about the betrayal. She's unable to forgive him though because Jorah acts as if he hasn't done anything wrong and he has no remorse whatsoever. Therefore it's easier for us to empathize with Dany's decision. On the contrary, tv Jorah is remorseful and humbly asking for forgiveness on his knees so we naturally pity him while Dany asserts her superiority very ruthlessly.
    Thirdly, the show made Sor Jorah too likable. In the books, he's self-righteous,stubborn, kind of obsessive, paranoid and he regrets none of his mistakes or betrayals. TV Jorah is charismatic, wise and calm and he respects Dany above everyone else. He has always been selfless and so it is unfair that Dany can't forgive him and just banishes him without flinching.

  11. Its often said that Jorah should've come clean with her from the first, but how could you? How could you tell someone who was leaning on you that you were initially a puppet of their enemies, and expect them to have faith in you? Dany's trust was Jorah's whole world. The guy makes his share of mistakes but you just can't help but feel for him.

  12. "You sold my secrets to the man who killed my father and stole my brother's throne"anyone else have an issue with this sentence? She's referring to Robert, however, Jaime killed her father Aerys – Robert killed her brother Rhaegar, and thus stole his throne.

  13. I used to love Daenerys, and she used to be my favourite character… now she's a psychotic, self-righteous tyrant. Sometimes that can come across as interesting, but in this case, for whatever reason, it just doesn't for me. I used to hope that she would survive the series, but now I hope that if she does die, that it will be Barristan doing it in a similar way to what Jaime did with Aerys. And no, I don't want her riding a dragon against the White Walkers, I find that theory to be too clichéd for my liking.

  14. Dany really went hasty with banishing Jorah. In the book, she takes her time after she finds out about Barristan and Jorah and I think gave them a few days until she decides to let Barristan stay and sends Jorah away. In this scene, she isn't being rational at all and is banishing him on angry impulse, not thinking about all the things he did for her to keep her alive and support her campaign and that will have drawbacks for her in time. I'm surprised she didn't just send him to a cell and take a few days to consider and decide his fate. 

  15. If you guys watched the behind the scenes video for this scene, Emilia Clarke (Daenerys) says how Jorah was the only one Dany could trust because he was there since the beginning. When she had Drogo (deceased husband if you didn't know), she was powerful as Khaleesi, she had her undefeated warlord husband, a khalasar, friends (Doreah & Irri), and a baby on the way. If the wine merchant hadn't tried to poison her, Drogo probably never would've tried to take back the seven kingdoms and if he did there would've been a possibility that Mago went away or the Mirri Mas Durr died or something that could've strayed from the original path. If Drogo hadn't tried to take back the seven kingdoms, he'd still be alive, they would have there son, Doreah wouldn't have betrayed Dany or killed Irri, and they would be powerful. Or course without the dragons but I suspect that the dragons would come in later on. So somewhat, in a way, Jorah took away her safety with her new home and her happiness.

  16. she should have let him stay :/
    she was a bit ignorant about this and didn't see or even considered what Jorah has done for her… sure, he spied for Varys, so what!? he fell for her…

    I wish Jorah would still watch over Daenerys regardless of his banishment…
    he said it himself… he would DIE before he would let anything happen to her…

  17. I haven't watched the fourth season yet, but heard about this and wanted to spoil myself… And this was really fucking dumb… Yes… I get he betrayed her and she's hurt and feels horrible about it.  But Jorah got her the little power she has now.  If it wasn't for him she would be nothing.. Period.  The beggar queen.  Hell she couldn't even communicate with the Dorthraki.  He found a way to go home and he took it.  It was before he even met her.  But she'll pay for dismissing him like that… You don't bite the hand that feeds you, especially when you're starving.. In her case that was literally.  Fuck Daenerys

  18. jorah gave her the idea to get the unsullied while barristan tried to talk her out of it .without her unsullied she wouldnt have meereen. jorah made her the queen she is. she's a damn fool

  19. nothing makes me angrier than the writers cutting the kiss. fuck. this scene would have been so much better if the kiss had happened. Iain Glen thought so too. he wanted dany and jorah to have more scenes alone.

  20. This scene was so hard to watch. I love Jorah, He's my favourite and a very human character; regretting his mistakes. Iain Glen is doing a wonderful wonderful job portraying him. And Emilia Clarke stated in an interview that she just wanted to 'cling to his ankles' as she watched him leave. But Daenerys is a teenager and teenagers sometimes make the most stupid decisions and yes this will definitely affect her. Barristan is not a good advisor as Jorah was. This was a mistake. I know it, The fans know it and Emilia Clarke knows it. 


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