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  1. I actually think Tyrion killing Tywin is my fav scene. Tyrion was like a little kid asking why don´t you love me father and Tywin is amazing how cold and uncaring he was. Love the ytwin character but it enjoyed so much when tyrion put the bolts in him. I wonder do you think when Tyrion said i´ve always been your son he was reffering to how alike they are, Tywin did just senteces tyrion to death and here Tyrion is killing him? and of Tywins three children Tyrion is the one that has inhereted the most from Tywin

  2. I loved the part when the giant shoots his arrow and it goes sailing directly over the wall, hits a guy and impailes him on the ground on the other side, i just thought it was a great cinematic shot. (also think about how bit the wall is, that guy fell like 600 feet with a huge arrow in him). I also loved the part with Grenn in the tunnel, how he gets everybody to face off against the giant by quoting their oath.

  3. I cried so much, Ygritte dying is like the worst thing ever!! She was my fav female character!!!

     I started GoT a few days ago then I literally finished it all in 4 days. I love it, soooo goood.

    R.I.P Ygritte, "You know nothin, Jon Snow"

  4. Jon Snow, Ygritte and Arya are my 3 favorite characters so this episode was really sad for me . Jon Snow is not really the same afterwards and his story falls off a bit I feel because his heart is not in anything he does. So basically Arya is the only one left of my favorite characters :). 

  5. @Theory I Get the Feeling that Maester Aemon was talking about ollena tyrell. because when she was talking to margery she talked about a man that was supposed to be married but he never made it to the wedding ceremony.

  6. I have to ask: Should I read the books from the start, because it took me ages to get to the end of Season 4, or should I continue from where the show left off and just read up on the small changes the show makes, because it's still the same plot, right?

  7. The moment's probably passed but it occurred to me that Eamon may have been the Targaryen to whom Olenna Redwyne was so fashionably betrothed before she seduced Luthor Tyrell. So Olenna is my guess for his heartbreaker.

  8. Requested answer: Like a typical Targaryen Maester Aemon's lost love was his sister Naerys.  She was married to his brother Aegon.

    You probably couldn't find the reference this was mentioned in the Hedge Knight side series not in the main series. (if I remember correctly)

  9. " Book Three Jon Chapter Seven " Its the new bible, and a hell of alot more
    My favorite moment was when Jon finds his friend has held the north gate. WTF moment has to go to Ygritte and Jons moment before she dies.

  10. Maybe someone can exlain one thing to me: what sense do flaming arrows as an anti-person weapon make?
    I can think of at least five reasons NOT to use them.
    Is it just for the cinematic effect like visible laser beams in a SciFi combat scene?

  11. Was quite astonished by the little dialog between Ser Alliser and Jon on the wall. (Well, actually rather a monolog from Alliser to Jon.)
    Is the good Ser actually showing a human side and getting somewhat reasonable? Was that taken from the books?


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