Game of Thrones Season 4 Finale “The Children” MAJOR SPOILER at 03:36 in video.* Charles Dance and Game of Thrones Cast talk about Tywin Lannister’s best moments and whether he’s really a villain or not. Interviewed were Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister), Maisie Williams (Arya Stark), Kristian Nairn (Hodor), Daniel Portman (Podrick Payne), Julian Glover (Pycelle), Ian McElhinney (Barristan Selmy), Ellie Kendrick (Meera Reed), Ron Donachie (Rodrik Cassel), Nonso Anozie (Xaro Xhoan Daxos), Ross Mullan (White Walker) & Joseph Gatt (Thenn Warg).

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Camera & Editor: Ed Yoxall
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  1. Charles Dance put down Tywin Lannister like probably no other man could have. The Iron Will he portrayed, hów he expressed himself in the dialogues, and the wáys hé, Charles, stated his authority as Tywin. Brilliant. I still think the agency's have missed out this outstanding performance. Game of Thrones is a great show with a magnificent story, but its actors líke Charles Dance that have máde the show this popular. Dibs to the writers etc, but with the 'death of Tywin Lannister' also the greatest and most intimidating authority in the story was gone.(probably one of thé most intimidating 'credible' rulers, éver written in a show or TV-film., there were horrible vampires and wizards etc, but he played an ordinairy man who had – a lot of- ordinary measures at his disposal, and gained an ab-so-lute power from it.) From his very 1st scene, 'skinning the Stag'. To start: its a great visual referance to the developing story ofcourse, in interviews Dance admitted he had 1 'try' n then shot the scene, in 1 go, the next day. The smell of the dead stag, he kept on his hands for days, weeks even: you can SEE a quiet mark to this, in the scene 'There's your peace' with Tyrion, and his bannermen: He sniffs his hand shortly, and you see a very small detail of irritation in his eyes. Nicely caught from the cameracrew, and the directors btw) Charlie Dance shuld have received an Award for his play as Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones. From all the shows that match the category, i think he did thé best job in putting down a serious character that had só much authority as a ruler, that he even 'outmatched' the kíng himself, and was féared for it! The story ís credible, his acting/role i's convincing, the only thing that is missing is the rightful agencys giving Charles Dance the well deserved Award for his superbe role and hís part in the succes that ís Game of Thrones. Dibs ofc to the Casting-crew, but they definately hit a Jack-pot with Tywin Lannister/Charlie Dance.

  2. My personal favorite Tywin moment was when he's at the Small Council and this exchange occurs.

    Varys: As for Ser Barristan, it would seem he took his dismissal from the Kingsguard
    a bit harder than anticipated.
    Cersei: He's an old man. He wasn't fit to protect my son.
    Tywin: Joffrey didn't die on his watch. Dismissing him was as insulting as it was stupid. (Glares directly at Cersei)

  3. i really don't think anyone could play tywin better than charles dance. he just captures the essence of the character so well, sometimes with just the way he talks or when he walks in the room-he demands respect and he sure as heck got it. 

  4. In the books Tywin's death was BETTER and way more ironic
    He was shot once in the bowels on the Privy Throne
    befouling himself & shitting everywhere
    but did not shit gold as was rumored.
    His corpse stunk for days in Baylor's Sept
    he had arrogantly desecrated with his horse in Episode 1..
    Cosmic Karma is a bitch.

  5. What I liked about the Arya-Tywin scenes is that she was daring, almost too daring, but enough that she appealed to his character. She was smart about it. If she had been anyone else Tywin may have had her flogged in the courtyard or worse for testing him. What I didn't like about their scenes is that by replacing Roose Bolton there with Tywin Lannister no one had a chance to become familiar with the ruthlessness of Bolton. His part in the Red Wedding kind of went unnoticed, and he wasn't a memorable character.


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