Has Game of Thrones gone too far? Scene involving group of ladies of the night at the start of new series shocks fans.




Michael McCrudden:



  1. This is so sick! There is so much violence in game if thrones, but these mothers don't care. They cut of heads and put them on sticks, but this is no big deal to them, but omg the sex scenes … this is so hypocritical … can't understand the double standarts … like, what is worse? Murder or sex. Definitively has to be sex

  2. the thing about game of thrones is that it lets us into th world that was. all the rape we watch and violence actually happened but on a much worse scale and it still happens today. clearly usz live a life wrapped in cotton balls.

  3. This show has been, from it's very inception and first showing in Season 1, full of gratuitous sex and violence. If you want Disneay channel, freakin WATCH Disney channel!! I love this show for alot of reasons..just wish there was more MALE nudity 9not even full frontal!) and a few less titties, as it were. Some of the guys are truly hot, others not so much. I love that you never know what's gonna happen next. <3 it!

  4. Game of Thrones gone too far? They went 'too far' a long time ago. People who care about it going 'too far' are not fans of the show and never were. Its that simple. The people complaining about this scene were not fans to begin with and just were bored and wanted to complain about something. And anyone who tries to take Game of Thrones off the air is invited to my wedding. The wedding song will be rains of castamere.

  5. Isn't GOT based on medieval times? But in a fictional world? Yes maybe the show goes over board, but from what I learn in history there was plenty of rape, murder and prostitution in medieval times, keeping in mind that GOT was not precisely based in medieval times but a fictional world similar to it. Children will poison their minds at some point too….

    There are dragons, and a lady invincible to fire, in this show so aka fictional.

    Plus why should all this mature content in GOT be a problem? Mere children shouldn't be watching it, and these children disregard the rating. So parent supervision should be better. I must admit I watch the show, and I'm only 15, but at least I asked my mother to watch GOT. And just because I'm young, doesn't mean I'm not mature enough.

    And if all this explicit content should be banned why not terminate bloody porn sites! They are just as accessible to (young) public eyes as TV shows and various books.

    None of this might make sense but I simply want to speak my mind even if my thoughts are idiotic. I'm sorry if I offended anyone or something of the sorts, or if this comment as a whole is purely wrong, but that's how opinions work I guess. Cheers.

  6. The show is not meant for young viewers. 
    Maybe mothers should not let there young children watch it?
    And anyone who thinks that Game of Thrones glamorizes prostitution you are aware that in this show there are also;  Three dragons, a woman who can not be burnt, a man who is continuously brought back to life by a fire god, a crippled boy who can see through the eyes of animals and has dreams which tell the future? Now if your old enough to watch the show surely you are old enough to comprehend the show is not a reality, the people are actors and actresses which is why they are attractive? If not maybe you shouldn't be watching TV at all after 9:00 pm 
    Basically if your child is still not old enough or able to determine what they see on the TV as ACTING, don't let them watch it. 

  7. I think GRRM does a great job illustrating the cruelty of reality by submerging it into Westeros.

    People are outraged by the possibility of desensitizing children?
    -Desensitizing is not a bad thing, but if you view it as such, then don't allow your children to watch the show. Don't ruin the experience for everyone because you are not happy.

    He creates a world with a sense of wonder and reality. that is what makes this show and book series so special.


  8. game of thrones had incest, attempted child murder, prostitutes, hell a teenager got sold to crazy murderers just for her brother to 'gain an army'… that is just the first episode.

    Seriously, why the complaining ? This wasn't even the 'worst' episode.

    better question, why start in season 4 ?!
    you cant JUST JUMP IN game of thrones.. 

  9. Wait a second…wait wait wait wait……"lead to young people being desensitized and influenced by the behaviour…."?
    What in the fuck are young people doing watching this shit in the first place? How fucking stupid has society become? I knew each passing generation people are getting more moronic, but this……….this is just too much.

  10. Hey, to all people who were outraged by this. (clears throat) Shut the fuck up about it. No one that has sat through the first three seasons can be desensitized any further, and if these terrible mothers allow their children to watch this, good, but don't bother complaining, a show this popular will never be taken away. That is the reality you have to accept. Deal with it, you bitching morons.


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