This is Part 1 of 3, containing the best scenes from Season 5, ranked 10-6. The videos were separated due to the length of the scenes and other restrictions, thus some scenes are edited. The scenes were chosen for emotional impact, powerful acting/action, character connections, and surprise/shock value. Despite certain scenes being “disliked” by fans (due to the deaths of certain characters), inclusion is based on the strength of the scene and impact on the viewer.

Honourable Mentions:

Theon’s redemption
Bronn’s singing
Tyrion meeting Dany

All content owned by HBO.



  1. How is Stannis burning his daughter among the top 10 best scenes? It is the worst by far. Stannis' death is satisfying and I can't wait to see Melisandre get murdered in the most horriful way possible.

  2. Stannis' death and entire defeat was utterly retarded. They turned him in to a complete moron. No scouts, no secure perimiter even after "20 good men" devestate the camp. An army that brought 100 THOUSAND wildings to heel crumble because of a bit of snow! Then to add insult to injury Jon Snow uses the same camp and wins! They have a parly for fuck sake!

    Barristans death was fucking retarded. Every single Unsullied should have been able to fight just as well as Grey Worm, to think they couldn't or can't turns the rest of the Unsullied in to armless children! They would have got in to formation and formed a phalanx immediately! Not to mention they were fighting essentially thugs in masks not trained fighting men. Barristan would have cut through them all like carving a cake.

    The greatest commander and the greatest Knight in the Seven Kingdoms killed off like they were nothing and utter retards. No respect for anything these motherfuckers! I can only assume this does not happen in the books!


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