Man after taking subscribers advise, i took my time watching these few episodes and i have a lot to say about this season of G.O.T.!
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The fifth season of the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones was ordered by HBO in April 2014, together with the sixth season,[1] and aired from April 12 to June 14, 2015.[2] It primarily adapts material from A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons, the fourth and fifth novels in George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, though it also uses elements from the third novel, A Storm of Swords, as well as the upcoming sixth novel The Winds of Winter.[3][4][5] It also contains original content not found in Martin’s novels.[6]

The show was filmed primarily in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Croatia and Spain. Critics praised the show’s production values and cast, as well as being thrilling. Viewership yet again rose compared to the previous season. This season set a record for winning the highest number of Emmy Awards for a series in a single year, winning 12 out of 24 nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series



  1. Fucked up shit my guys. Princess Myrcella was the only geniunlly good Lannister. You guys are tripping celebrating her death cause you don't like Cercei or Jamie. That is like saying you don't like Bran so you are happy Ned and Caitlyn Stark died. Cold dudes.

  2. I agree, King Henry IIIV obliterated the churches when they wouldn't grant him an annulment and made his own church just so he could marry his young mistress, not even the god damn Pope could touch him, he murdered any and all Christians (and even a world famous Philosopher) who didn't support his new wife and lifestyle. And it wasn't because he was a tyrant, it was because he was the king and could execute anyone, even his own wife.

  3. Season 5 is the weakest season for sure, but my man Jody realized that after just one watch-through… For most people it takes several watches and/or reading the books to realize the failings of season 5.

  4. He made dude First ranger to ease the tension between the different factions of the night watch. "many love you, many don't". Ser Alliser had the loyalty of half of the nights watch (remember Aemon was the one who broke the tie) who thought Jon a "wildling lover". He made the right move.

  5. The Faith Militant took advantage of Tywins death and returned. They've always been there but were in no position to challenge Tywin. Not hard to believe or understand. Majority of Westeros worships the Seven, who the High Sparrow and faith militant represent.

  6. Cersei and Joffrey did do something to the city those people were starving.Which is why they threw cow pie at joffrey face in earlier seasons and tried to rape Sansa but the hound saved her.The religious group took power from the Royal people and gave them back to the people.throughout history people been manipulated by religion there were times where Pope said that you have to pay money for you to get in heaven.people believe in a lot of things the pope said because back then they didn't know how to read so they couldn't read the bible. people like Davao seaworth he was trying to read in one of the seasons. Cersei Lannister was one of the most beautiful woman in Westeros most of the lower class saw her as a goddess.In the novels, when Cersei is shorn, the septas remove all of her body hair – her eyebrows, pubic hair, even scraping the rest of her body. They cuts Cersei's luxurious long golden hair off shaving her completely bald.for the lowborns it was a moment of these people are no better than us.SMH

  7. Actually just to clarify, the Night's Watch does not take a vow to not sleep with women – the wording is this "I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children…" So Jon, nor Sam, nor any men of the watch who just sleep with women, are breaking no vows or being dishonorable. It would be different if they were running off to get married and start a family. As well, if Jon held on to his celibacy in the wildling camp, they would've known he was still holding his loyalties to the watch.

    You were right about Arya and the Hound. Arya did have very conflicting feelings about the Hound and she couldn't kill him. Her not being honest with herself about her feelings was why she kept getting slapped during the questioning.

  8. awesome chats guys. I agree with jody, Jon snow has been weak from day 1. He's never been interesting, the people and history around him are so interesting but if u remove those away, Jon doesn't stand on his own two feet, not without Eddard stark, his parentage, wildlings, white Walkers, etc. even the little kids who killed his lover was more interesting than Jon Snow himself.


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