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  1. I get Oberyn would not approve of what Ellaria did and it's sad that a nice girl like Myrcella died like this. As a person in her own right, she was very sweet. But I can't help but get a smug satisfaction about this being another blow for The Lannisters, especially Cersei. I just want her fall to continue with no silver linings. I don't want Cersei and Jaime to get revenge because it wouldn't be for Myrcella. It 's not like she's around to enjoy the fallout. It would be for them and they deserve no favours. The Starks haven't gotten revenge for Ned, Robb, Bran's injury, etc. ( things done at their family's hands!)so why should the Lannisters get a luxury others have yet to get? The good thing about Cersei and Jaime's children's deaths is that these have been the few moments that they have gotten a taste of the pain that they and their family have inflicted on others, so I of, the people who can still feel something got exactly what they deserved here.

  2. Wait a minute. A young girl known for being kind hearted is murdered… Her family commits a crime against another family… The murderer kills her because she can't get at the person she WANTS to kill… It's karma for Lady's death back in Season 1! Cersei had Lady killed for a crime her sibling Nymeria committed (biting Joffery), and now Cersei has lost her daughter for a crime she (Cersei) committed against the Martells (getting Oberyn killed). Oh, the irony! The poetic justice! How did we not see it earlier?!

  3. Ignoring the whole incest thing, she isn't to blame, and when a father finally has the love and acknowledgement of his daughter only to watch her die right after, yeah, that's some emotional shit.

  4. When I first saw this scene a big plot hole (in the show) rush in my face.

    Maggy the Frog prophecy about Cersei's children : "Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds."

    Myrcella never wore crown and she's already dead?
    That's… wrong.
    I think it's a mistake and Tommen was supposed to die before Myrcella.

  5. I have this crazy theory where Myrcella survives, that I haven't seen anwhere:

    Remember when Broon got imprisoned by the Martells and "the most" beatiful character in GoT gave him the antidote? Now connect this scene with the one in the prison cages. That's why I think Myrcella will survive, because Broon will save her.

  6. wait, if the poison that sand snakes use is activated by arousal, then does that mean that myrcella was aroused, when she was talking to jaime? if that is the case, then i sure am clad that the poison interupted them, who knows what would have happened next?

  7. Hahahah thank fuck she's dead! Lannister Scum i hope you all fucking die. Cersei is next, then jaime then that little fat cunt tommen then finally that fucking cunt tyrion.

    Ned Stark is smiling in heaven watching her die 🙂

  8. This would have never happened if Prince Rhaegar had not kidnapped Lyanna Stark. Because if he hadn't, Roberts Rebellion would have never taken place, Tywin Lannister would have never ordered the execution of Elia Martell and her children, Prince Oberyn would have never fought the Mountain for Tyrion (Because the whole reason he did that was to kill Gregor Clegane because of his part in Elias death). So yeah, Prince Rhaegar had fucked Westeros over for falling in love with a girl from the north.

  9. I know everybody speaks of Jon's heritage, but to me, the hugest mystery of the entire Game of Thrones series is the fact that Myrcella turned out so sweet. Between Robert Baratheon, Cersei, Tywin, Jamie and Joffrey – I mean, what were the odds?

  10. This is just House Martell getting some revenge for Elia Martell. She was innocent too but she was raped, murdered, and had her children killed in front of her. Justice considering Myrcella is really a Lannister


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