HBO’s Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 5 S05E05 (“Kill The Boy”) is reviewed.

Find out what Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks, Ana Kasparian, and John Iadarola of Think Tank think in this discussion and review of HBO’s Game of Throne’s season 5 episode 5, “Kill The Boy”!

What was your favorite scene in this episode? What do you hope to see happen in season 5? Who do you think will be the next to die? Let us know what you think in the comments!

The Young Turks’s Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, and John Iadarola of Think Tank discuss all the ins and outs of GOT S05E05 ‘Kill The Boy’.

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  1. The big headed dude has read the book and pretending like he hasn't and then uses the insight he got the book to spoil the show so that he can then come back the next show and pump his chest about how right he was.

  2. Funny thing is when Aemon says the line "A Targaryen alone in the world, is a terrible thing" it pans RIGHT to Jon after he says this lol I think the showrunners are placing all these hints in there to R+L=J because that is the direction they are gonna go.

  3. I'm always happy to see you, Ana, but you don't know Game of Thrones too well.

    I think most people who have seen the show would know that the Unsullied are eunuchs.

  4. just about the point about the Unsullied: I dont remember if its addressed in the books but in real history most bed slave eunuchs only lost their testicles, obviously, while most other cultures that made eunuchs out of slaves castrated and gelded both.

  5. There is a problem though. What if she burns the right guy who's pulling all the strings? It aint gonna stop without him and she isn't going to know of she got him. Then she will continue to kill ALL of the other heads of families and unleash hell! Cause the rest of those families are still alive. They aint gonna be happy…

  6. Guys, can we please stop with the political comparisons. We get you. You are all extremely liberal and you think Pubs are evil, dumb, selfish, short sighted, and hate everyone but the rich.  Not every negative quality about every character in Game of Thrones is equivalent to Republicans. As a Libertarian, it is just annoying.

  7. Concerning your point about the Wall and that you don't think the White Walkers can get past it, I would point your attention back to season 1 when a Whyte was taken into Castle Black and killed a bunch of people. Even if the White Walkers or the "Others" themselves can't easily cross the wall their reanimated minions CAN and WILL if they are not stopped. Adding thousands and thousands more to their army is definitely not something that you want. The problem with the Nights Watch is simply that they've been battling and feuding with Wildlings for so long that they've forgotten their true mission and the enmity runs so deeply between the two that they both struggle to get past it.

  8. I think Ben forgot one thing we know for sure about Ramsay, he is a Kinslayer. He murdered Roose's true born son via poison (At least this is what Roose himself says) and so yeah he would be damn certain that Ramsay will do it again.

  9. If Ramsay were King he would be unspeakably more evil than Joffrey. At the end of the day Joffrey wasn't all that smart and a weakling. Ramsay would remove an entire city populous' knee caps to force them to kneel, and carry it out himself.

  10. I disagree with Cenk in that the context of Game of Thrones is wholly different than reality. Yes it is fantasy and NOT reality. However, real life is as vicious if not moreso than what's in Game of Thrones. Art imitates life, especially in the case of this series.


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