

  1. At least in book canon there's a decent chance the RW wouldn't have happened if Theon hadn't betrayed Robb. Robb slept with 'Talisa' (Jeyne) because he was grieving for his 'dead' brothers, and then married her because he thought it was the honorable thing to do. If Theon had stayed loyal that wouldn't have happened. I still think Roose and Tywin would have conspired, but the circumstances would probably have been quite different. It's hard to say. The RW was such a defining moment that anything that could have prevented it would have changed the whole story into something almost unrecognizable.

  2. Ehhhh I don't think we can call Theon killing the farm boys "saving" bran and rickon. It was Theon who drove them out of their home and safety. It's like people saying Jaime pushing Bran out the window was what made him the 3 eyed raven… Bran's own journey made him the 3 eyed raven and doesn't dismiss Jaime's wrongdoing and I would say the same about Theon and the farm boys.

  3. No he said you stole 3 deaths from the red god. Cause of the fire the lord of light. I think maybe there is a lord of lighy n a many faced god or at least one aka jaquan he seems to be the only one he died n the waif turned into him he is everyone.

  4. I have to disagree with Kat…I didn't like World War Z at all. I admit, the Jerusalem scene was a great action set piece, but the movie as a whole was such a disappointment…probably because I read the book first, and (other than the cannibalistic corpses rising from the dead, and the name, I suppose) the movie has NOTHING in common with the book. Perhaps I would have enjoyed the movie more if I hadn't read the book.

  5. Most Houses would never bury their dead with a Valyrian steel weapon. Ice, the Stark greatsword, has been in the family for ages. The Lannister Valyrian steel weapon was taken to the ruins of Valyria and lost admist the Doom, so I highly doubt Tywin would sacrifice their replacement weapon for a little shit like Joffrey LOL

  6. What i like about the cinematography in Dany's throne room is that she is perched up high and Tyrion and Jorah and on the lower end of the room and yet in their conversation Dany acts and looks foolish while Tyrion speaks with lots of knowledge. Similar to the Tywin and Joffery scene in season 3.

  7. To be fair to Aegon the Conqueror, the 7 Kings before him were constantly warring with one another, fighting over borders. One of the King's even enslaved people. Aegon ended all of that.

    All the other 7 Kings, including the Starks whom for some reason everyone thinks can do no wrong, all killed and conquered to become Kings and rule their lands. I'm sure if they had dragons they would have taken more land and done what Aegon did.

  8. Queens of the North 😃 I couldn't wait to see this fantastic reaction to one of my top GOT episodes.
    Melissa " there's now only 2 Targareyen's left"…😒😕 are you forgetting what season you are on 🤣🤣.
    Oh my goodness 🙊 I cannot believe Kathryn sussed that if you kill the Knight's King all the whites will die….🤤. She's too smart for her own good when it comes to GOT. She's on to Jon Melissa she's getting close to the truth she's starting to question his parentage 😕. Your face was a picture Melissa just nodding "hmmmm, hmmmm" 🤣
    I can't wait to see her reaction for the season finale.

  9. This was when you realize that, once again, everything simple turns serious and the WW are the endgame. Jon Snow becomes a true fighter, and then well… 5×10 lol. I also love the episode for Tyrion’s advice and Theon/Sansa scenes that are just so poignant.

  10. Of course Joffrey was not burried with his valyrian steel sword. These are passed down through generations. Jaime will carry it in Season 7. Jaime gave Brienne his first one and she named it Oathbreaker. The valyrian steel dagger was last seen on Ned's desk in S1E07, during the conversation he had with Littlefinger. At the end of it, Littlefinger turned it towards him to indicate the Gold Cloak would obey his orders.


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