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  1. In Greek mythology, the daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra, Iphigenia , is also sacrificed as an assurance they would conquer Troy and bring back Helen. And so many other examples that really, really happened in Human history. It's being confronted with what humans can be or became, under certain conditions that vary with each and every one.

  2. 1:48 the very first time we see Stannis he's burning people alive on Dragonstone.. interesting. Is he talking about the show or the book, because he isn't in NEITHER. Even in this fool's adaptation of the book on his show Stannis burns characters for entirely different reasons in season 4 then they were burned for in A Storm of Swords. That's why book readers get frustrated ! This idiot can't even get HIS story straight

  3. I always got annoyed with the Starks – despite my love for them – and their rigid code of ethics. You have to do bad things to win a war, by very nature. But this… this is TOO far. Remember all the deserters after her death? Hard to fight for a man with no loyalty even to his own kin, if you ask me. What good is winning a war, when you've sacrificed everything that makes life worthwhile to do so?

  4. "When we first saw Mel and Stannis, they were burning people alive on the beaches of Dragonstone."

    Fucking idiots, not only do they ruin one of the book's most complex characters, they also can't even remember their own Season 2. It was idols they were burning, not people. He only started burning people in Season 4 (which in the books is because they were traitors, not because they were infidels).

  5. So apparently "when George first told us about this" means Stannis is participating in Shireen's sacrifice in the books. It does make sense, as it's more tragic and dramatic if Stannis is involved, more so than in the theorised Mel and Selyse doing it behind his back.
    HOWEVER, an experienced military man being outwitted by the bastard of Bolton is ridiculous. Theon's first TWOW chapter points to Stannis being at a disadvantage, if he loses at Winterfell, why release that chapter?!
    If the Nightlamp theory doesn't happen, I will burn my books.
    If anything similar to Ramsay's 20. Good. Men™ is the catalyst for Stannis' downfall, I will burn my books.
    Stannis will sacrifice poor little Shireen, but for his duty, not ambition (I really don't understand why they skipped over Stannis realisation that he has a duty to the realm, rather than being all about his rights).
    Jon 3:16 "For Stannis so loved the world that he gave his one and only daughter".

  6. I don't subscribe to Dan, Dave or GRRM'S idea that Dany closed her eyes in the arena wanting a moment of peace before death. Instead, I like to believe she closed her eyes, leaned back her head and thought, "My children." And, Drogon, the only untethered child responded to the summons of his mother.

  7. The books are the books and the show is the show. They've decided to got their own way and that's fine. That being said, they can't really say they're being true to the books anymore. The thing that comes to mind is Donal Noye's quote about the Baratheon brothers. Renly is copper, all shiny but no substance. Robert is steel, he bends but he never breaks. Stannis is iron, he'll break before he bends. The Stannis of the books didn't and likely will not be the one to kill Shireen if she does end up dying, he would never abandon his convictions, never bend. The Stannis of the show didn't get that degree of development though, so I guess him killing Shireen isn't as big a deal as people are making it out to be.

  8. 'Familial love vs ambition.'
    Fuck off. Stannis never wanted to be king or Azor Ahai. He only did it because he believed it was his duty. If you were going to involve him in Shireen burning at all (that can also fuck off) at least try to justify it in a way that would make sense for Stannis as a character like, oh I don't know, putting the lives of however many millions live in Westeros above his own daughter who, however much he may love her, is still just one person.
    D and D clearly do not understand Stannis as a character. The only reason they invloved him at all was for shock value. Dudes, this is the same episode where Dany rides a fucking dragon and is the episode before the MAIN CHARACTER gets the shit stabbed out of him. How much more shock value do you fucking NEED? Burning Shireen would have been enough since it'll probably happen in the books anyway but WHY INVOLVE STANNIS?
    Fucking hell I hate this show sometimes.

  9. Guys, it's not because you loved Stannis that he was meant for the Throne. What happened to him makes sense for the story. It doesn't always end good for our favorite characters, and sometimes they accomplish nothing (Robb Stark for example).

  10. These guys are pathetic hacks – unworthy of HBO and The Wire – unworthy of George Martin and his books – utterly shallow, stupid, fools. When we read how this goes down in the books, they'll never be able to show their faces in the film industry again.

  11. "This is the best scene you've ever written and I can't wait to see how we'll adapt this for the show"
    *proceeds to remove all meaning and importance behind the scene while simultaneously making it devoid of any rationale

  12. Nice job pinning this on GRRM, d&d. In the books Stannis left Shireen at the Wall (you know. Because taking a child with him into battle is dumb). He also made sure she is to be protected and followed if he should fall in the battle. He has no way of burning er at this point, and actually no need. Since he has a very large army of mercenaries, Stark supporters, wildlings and hill tribes. He also has Theon's sister with him. This was done for 1 reason and 1 reason alone. Shock value.

  13. So he burns his only heir because his army is starving and cold. 2 days after slaughtering hundreds of horses for food. And this is done by a guy the show told us survived for a year during a siege, on nothing more than rats and bookbindings. Superb writing….

  14. I was so hyped for at least part of Daznak's pit to be dubbed over (probably not the technical term) with Doran's "Vengence. Justice. Fire and Blood". It would've made Dorne relevant and not totally boring. Furthermore, it would hype Dany even further- win, win for the show. I suppose it would have had to be rewritten given they cut both Arianne and Quentyn.

  15. I don't get this. What about Stanis tells y'all he's a morally good guy. He killed his own brother. He was willing to kill Gendry. He murdered his in laws and anyone who wouldn't burn their Gods idols. He cut of Davo's fingers after he saved his life. At the battle of black water when his men were telling him hundreds would die, he just stoically replies "thousands". If you believe in the melisandres power the he helped kill Robb Stark. Stannis has done a lot of morally fucked up shit jut to be king and everyone is all the one true king Stannis the Mannis how could D&D do that to him. Stannis would be a terrible king. What king can't compromise, show mercy what king would willingly let his people die by the thousands.

  16. 'Once Stannis has made up his mind, it's impossible to change it'
    Why did Stannis love his daughter in one episode, and then burn her alive in the next?!
    Don't give me that desperate situation crap, he would never do that in the books and the show, he would break before he bends.
    All of his great military victories in his life (Siege of Storms end, Battle of Fair Isle etc) did not involve red magic, he won using his battle skill, he knows that himself.
    I think that D&D had Stannis kill Shireen in that way, not because he was in a desperate situation, but because they wanted to character assasinate him before they killed him, they clearly hate him, and want Daenerys to seem like some amazing, omnibenevolent ruler.
    Thanks Stephen Dillane for your great acting, you understood Stannis, unlike the show writers.


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