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  1. What about the word the witch who cursed Dany said. About not being able to have another child until 'Mountains blow in the wind like leaves." When the wall falls doesn't that break her spell, and when she does hook up with Jon, doesn't that allow them to have another child????

  2. Visions on the show.(SPOILER THEORIES) Danny in the throne room = Danny claims the throne. Danny at the Wall = Danny fights the Night King. Danny with Drogo and Rhego = Danny is dead. Danny dies at the end of the show.

  3. This gave me a whole new insight on how ned sees arya, his youngest and adored child reminded him too much of his sister lyanna. ned could easily imagine how arya could cause another war like his sister did, which was why ned wanted her to just be a proper lady but his love for her and his memories of his "tom boyish" sister prevented him to enforce it. This is entirely IMO

  4. I really hoped that the theory is not true, i mean Jon is one of my favourite characters but the whole 'love story' is bullshit. I mean Rhaegar was becoming crazy because of the prophecy and Lyanna was kind of a bitch, i mean she blamed Roberth for being a manwhore but then she her self ran away with Rhaegar ,and he was already married and had 2 children

  5. I do have a feeling that jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna. I've even seen/heard a theory that Rhaegar married Lyanna, making Jon Snow his legal heir, but I don't know about that.

  6. Great vid! But any explanation why Rh felt Lyanna would be a crucial part to the fulfillment of the prophecy of the prince who was promised? Of all women, why her? Aside from beauty, will, and feeling a connection with her, is there any other evidence he saw that would suggest this? 🙂 Just curious 🙂

  7. In terms of people that the show is backing, there are at least three: John Snow, Daenerys, and Tyrian. I think all three of them will figure prominently in seasons seven and eight (such as they may be).

  8. There has been an attempt to stop the inbreeding by the Targaryen family, they tried to keep the brother and sister separate and the more they tried, the more they. wanted to be together… Plus there are quite a few insinuations that they bred outside of their bloodline many times before. 
    Also, there is a chance that "the Mad King" and Tyrion Lannister's mother slept together which could make Tyrion the other dragon head… After all, his father does hate him and so does his sister Cersi. His father does remind him often that he is NOT HIS SON. He is not the Hand of Danerys. He's also managed to not get eaten or burnt to a crisp by two dragons.
    Jon Snow could be the other dragon head, there definitely was an infatuation that Raegar Targaryen had with Ned's younger sister and she didn't really like her betrothed. There are many many different things to consider that point to this as well as the fact Jon was brought back to life by (what we assume) was the Lord of Light.
    Originally, when the Targaryens took the 7 kingdoms, it was a brother and two sisters (married) on the backs of dragons… Why couldn't it be a sister and two brothers this time? Also, the Targaryens did marry brother/sister, why wouldn't brother/sister or aunt/nephew now?
    Tyrion hasn't been very fortunate in the "Love Game" . They've made that very clear!!!! Very clear… Maybe he will end up with Dany?… 😍 who knows. Fun thought though.

  9. Hi Charlie, I've just thought of a way that westeros will get the prof it needs for John- what if howland reed will make a meister update a record in the citadel? it can be a good way to do it. does he knows one that we're familiar with?


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