A spoiler filled episode featuring some predictions based on the new trailer for Game of Thrones Season 5. Featuring Littlefinger, Gendry, Dragons, Dorne, and Princess Shireen

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    Funny how the only prediction you got right was your number 1 prediction. The Knights of the vale was close but they didn't do anything this season but Littlefinger did manage to gain control of them by Cereci's consent and will most likely attack Winterfell next season

  2. Just found your channel – here's your score:
    5. Not bad, Dany does burn a master
    4. Nope, no Vale vs Frey war.
    3. Ellaria the Corpsemaker, not Queenmaker!
    2. Gendry's still rowing.
    1. Tried, and succeeded. This one was pretty obvious though.

  3. 5. Dragon Chaos.  You got that right.  Dany throws at least one Wise Master to the green one. One Point. 
    4. Knights of the Vale will mobilize.  Nah, not one of them has a mobile phone.  Seriously, That may yet happen, but against the Boltons, not the Freys. Too soon to call. 
    3. Ellaria Queenmaker; Ellaria does take Arienne's place, but not as a Queenmaker. Half Point. 
    2. Gendry takes place of Young Griff. 0 points. No Gendry. No Young Griff. 
    1. Melissandra will try to sacrifice Shireen.  You got that right. 
    Score, 2 1/2 points, one point not yet determinined.

  4. I think little finger is going west with Sansa to winterfell. I think they are waiting for more material to advance the vale plot, and that they will have Sansa take the place of the "arya" that Ramsey marries. This would make for a huge dramatic payoff for reek to have to perform sexual acts on Sansa and eventually save her from Ramsey. Just a theory

  5. Great thoughtful post. one of the most interesting things about GOT, it is the women that are in control, even if they don't know it. I never read the books, but got hooked on the DVDs a few months ago. Sansa and Dieirsa hold the power. Look at their paralell paths, both used and abused as young women, then ascending. Circe is headed for a major fall, as the conniving woman deserves.

  6. "Gendry will replace Young Griff"

    2 things..
    1) I think there was solid evidence that Griff/Young Griff were cast for the show.2) IF this is true,@#$@!#$@!%@#$%@#%!$@!$#!%$%. Die HBO. JUST.DIE.

  7. +Throne Talk There is one thing no one on any channel has talked about…..
    In the end of season 4, The First Man tells Brandon Stark that "You will never walk again…..but you will fly."

    So can the black dragon (the one which went rogue or either of the other 2) have something to do with him??

  8. Sadly, I think you are right about Shireen. I really like Stannis, and I don't think there is any way he would allow Melisandre to sacrifice his daughter. If he does, I'll pretty much hate the character lol. However, if Stannis leaves Shireen to lead the war efforts Im sure his wife would be all for it.

  9. what do you mean with "waking a dragon" right at the end? Can a dragon be created or summoned with magic from the lord of light? Or what am I supposed to think of it?

  10. Shireen is probably the only innocent character left in the show. All the others are either dead or have gone bad in order to survive. I know I shouldn't expect anything resembling mercy from this show. but if they kill Shireen I'll be really mad

  11. Wow, this was pretty great.  5-2 really make a lot of sense.  #1 makes a lot of sense too, but I don't really consider it a "prediction", only because the show made it very clear what Melisandre wants to do with Shireen.  

    My prediction for Season 5 is Jaime gets killed.  But I can't see Bronn dying since he's built for this game.  So I guess I would say that somehow Bronn betrays Jaime in Dorne and leaves him for dead.

    Another prediction, Melisandre is clearly playing Stannis, and I think after they sacrifice Shireen, Melisandre will bring R'hllor back in physical form through Stannis' body…but I don't know if that will happen in Season 5.  I think not.

  12. They won't kill Shireen. The creators already said they won't kill children on the show, that's the one thing they made clear. They even changed the scene in the Red Wedding when Catelyn was supposed to slit the throat of one of Frey's daughters, to which he says "I'll just make another one," but they changed it to his wife instead.

  13. Am I the only one who thinks that Tyrion will get Quentin martells ending? Where he try's to tame the green dragon after all three dragons go crazy, and fails. Gets burnt to death. It seems like something HBO would do, Tyrion is very interested in dragons, and they need to fill in the Quentin void,

  14. Stannis didnt die , the letter is a strategy used to cause fear to the wall , the truth is that Stannis had to stop his march to Winterfell because of a storm and he captured 500 Karstark troops and is now planning an attack on the main Bolton vanguard which is aproximing a small village where he is near but trust me he isnt dead , plus Davos will be coming with more troops from the sellsword company.

  15. wow, gendry as young griff.  i never went there but i can see it happening. it doesnt feel right for him to just desappear, thats a good way of using him.

    and melisandre killing shireen or at least trying to is a given. the scene with selyse was very clear. i just hope she doesnt get what she wants, i like shireen


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