Game Of Thrones Season 5 Trailer Breakdown. Tyrion Lannister and Varys, Daenerys Targaryen Mega Drogon, Jon Snow vs Boltons, House Martell and Arya Stark Braavos ►
Game of Thrones The Citadel Explained ►
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I’ll attach a Higher Quality version of the trailer to my Q&A video tomorrow if HBO posts it!

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  1. I gotta say, I really appreciate these videos and the dialogue about GoT. It helps to keep me from going into GoT withdrawals between episodes (lol) and helps me understand and enjoy the story more. You are doing a great job with your channel. Keep up the good work!

  2. "I 'm not gonna stop the wheel , i'm gonna break the wheel" epic bad girl dany <3

    season 5 is not available in my area(India) yet.thank you for the not so spoilerish season 5 plot. it intrigue me more and more about GOT !

  3. Arya is what I'm looking forward to. I'm curious of the plot twist. Someone in another video mentioned R + L = J. Googled that, read up. Spoilers for sure. Nice twists if they part of Season 5. I have not read the point and I won't.. 😀 Thanks for this video.

  4. That's not even Jon Snow in the wildling outfit… Just before that he yells "With me!" in a Night's Watch outfit… Pause the video again, and really look at it. It's not him. Also, after that they start fighting, Wildlings and the Night's Watch… Stop spreading false rumors.

  5. What's hilarious about the comments sections on these ASOIAF videos is all the whining about cut characters and combined/swapped storylines. The producers have less than 10 hours of airtime per season and a limited budget. They knew from the beginning that they had zero chance in hell of including all the storylines and characters. They sat down with George Martin as a consultant and figured out a narrower scope for the show that would work for the main storylines. I am actually thankful, as the last two books are a mess and I can'[t tell you how many wasted chapters there were with pointless character journeys to nowhere. Even George said he introduced too many subplots and characters which slowed the writing time down to a crawl and he is trying to fix it. HBO is already paying the actors millions, so it is both logical and practical to combine storylines, and I for one am grateful for it.

  6. Cersei: Will the king and I have children?
    Maggy: Oh, aye. Six-and-ten for him, and three for you. Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds, she said. And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.

  7. Am I the only one who noticed that Jorah is in the scene with Daenerys at 8:04 sec? If you go back to 3:20 secs, you see him in a fighting pit. Forward to 8 mins, and you see a fighting pit with someone wearing the same clothes, and his hair.


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