Game of thrones season 6 all deaths, are all the deaths that ocuured in season 6 of game of thrones, but I just put the major characters deaths, you will not see the deaths of Bolton soldiers you will only see major character’s death such as Ramsey and Roose.

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  1. I realize it might make me a bad person but Tommens death makes me laugh purely by how it's acted out. He see's the wildfire explosion and his immediate response is to remove his crown and leap out of a window without any sort of emotional response first.

  2. I'm not satisfied on Ramsay's death. It would be more better if it's uncensored as you can see his face begging for mercy and those hounds ripping his jaw apart until his eyeballs are falling and until his tongue is being chewed so good, ON SCREEN.

    Like Walder Frey's death. I like to see that slit on his throat it's like seeing my girlfriend's vagina after years of long distance relationship.

  3. What bothered me so much about this season, is that they simply WASTED so many great characters:

    Dorans death left a PIERCING PAIN in my chest
    I felt BETRAYED by the death of Roose Bolton
    What they did to Osha made me GASP
    I was HOWLING when Summer died
    I was HOLDING my breath about Hodors demise
    Seeing the kind Lady Crane murderd BROKE my heart
    The way Margaery perished BLEW my mind
    and then they simply DROPPED Thommen

    I will show myself out


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