Game Of Thrones: Season 6 – All Houses Teaser Trailer

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  1. Even now after almost a year since season 6 premiered and we all know the fate of the characters who speak in this teaser I still feel excited, specially with Ramsay's line!

  2. man this kingdoms fighting each other’s and even on their own city, and they don’t know the hell is coming to them , or to be specific, "the winter" that its coming

  3. Na parte da bandeira dos Lannisters tem cinco animais voando parecem dragões pq são muito grandes p/ serem passaros. E tem uma bandeira inteira mais pra frente, reparem pessoal.

  4. If Ramsay does not get painfully and brutally murdered this season I will be so disappointed. Also does anyone else agree that he kind of looks like a mix between Frodo Baggins and Gollum/Smeagol?

  5. i think roose bolton will be dead by the time we see the battle for the north, probably at the hands of ramsey. sansa is gone and walda frey is carrying a true born heir for roose. the depth of ramseys madness may ultimately push him to kill his father and seize the north for himself.


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