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  1. I believe Bran is/will be the cause of the long night in Westeros. He was touched and scarred by the Night King which means part of that magic is a part of Bran now. Remember when his uncle left them just north of the wall and explained why he couldn't go south (because of the magic). Bran will cross under the wall with that same magic and that will be able to follow him south. We know that the army and the walkers would not have a physical problem climbing the wall. They can climb and fall with no problem. It is magic that keeps them north. And Bran will either break that spell by crossing south which will allow them to come south as well.

    Bran is also the cause of a lot of the madness in the past because he wargs into the past while seeing the present or future at the same time.

    I honestly believe that perhaps Bran may be the greatest inadvertent villain of all time.

  2. It's one thing to change the past but the Hodor thing is a paradox because in the "original history" Willys became Hodor and Bran wasn't even born yet. How could "hold the door" in the PRESENT affect Willys becoming Hodor in the past?

  3. time travel in this show is a mindfuck. Even if Bran could alter the past, would the future instantly be affected, or would it be like Dragonball Z where a parallel timeline is created and Bran jumps in his capsule corp time machine to kill Frieza and give Jon Snow the antidote so he can go super saiyan 2 and kick the androids' asses after training in the hyperbolic time chamber with Tormund?

  4. It seems like Bran's powers work under the "timeturner" theory of time travel. (Yes, I'm pulling out the HP here.) With a timeturner, you can travel back in time and "change" events, but…. whatever you do actually already happened. Bran goes back in time and affects past!Hodor, but future!Hodor already had the name and had already suffered the affects of Bran's warg-ing. I think the whole situation with Hodor was meant to show the viewers how Bran's timetravel works. "The ink has dried…" Whatever Bran does, always was. So it's hugely possible that Bran accidentally makes the Mad King goes mad. He might even go back in time and talk to his father in prison, or perhaps save some character who died offscreen. But he couldn't save Ned, because his execution undisputedly happened (unless, idk, he was actually someone else wearing one of the Many Faces, but that's highly unlikely). If this is the case… what events might he have affected besides the Mad King's meltdown?

  5. what if bran is the night's king? maybe an older future bran goes back in time to stop the night's king being created. but is caught by the children and gets the dragon dagger to the chest. plus bran can control lesser creaters, maybe this older bran can control others while awake?

  6. i think that bran wargs into the mad king to protect someone he knows or loves then his mind is connected to the mad king. when the mad king hears the whispers to burn them all its bran looking at the final battle with the white walkers where he is hearing or telling everyone to burn all the white walkers as its one of their weaknesses. Bran didn't directly tell the mad king to burn them but accidentally does.

  7. Of course Bran can change the past. The thing is you wouldn't know it in the present because it had already happened ,unless you knew what Bran does about how you affected it. That's the paradox. If Bran gets the skill down where he can warg into animals in the past he could be responsible for a lot of the outcomes in the show that were affected by animals. Robert and the boar,the multiple times the Stark wolves saved them or Sam Tarley ,the cat that led Arya to the tunnels beneath the Red Keep so she found out about Jofferey being a Lannister that led to Ned losing his head etc…Maybe he knows how things must happen to achieve a certain outcome now that he knows everything the Raven knew? The thing is in the present these things would appear to have happened already. So the ink is dry in that respect.

  8. I believe "time travel" in GoT is being treated like that of the time travel in the movie "Timeline", in that their actions in the future may have shaped the actions of the past which they have already lived. Meaning, they can effect the past but what they can't do is stop events they are destined to do from happening. No matter what, Bran was always going to change the past for Hodor, that ink had dried long before Bran was ever born. So in a sense the future ink has already dried as well, their stories have already been written, and nothing they can do can prevent them from carrying out the actions and the effects they are already set to do. Meaning Bran or the Raven may have talked to the King and drove him mad, they may have tried to stop him from going mad but inadvertently been the reason he went mad. Meaning the History of the realm they lived was due to actions they would one day take.

  9. I have to say one thing before I finish watching this video… GRRM might just be our greatest modern historian. He is a reader and a genius. What is the most fundamental truth about history? Those who do not remember are doomed to repeat it. Every character now on screen on GoT and in the books is a 'modern' incarnation of the old tales of gods and mythology upon which this world is based. Tyrion is Lann. The Starks represent the old gods. Sansa will be a frost queen beyond the Wall. Everything that is happening now and in the books has already been revealed in the ancient stories and now we're just watching it all happen again — with a slightly more evolved sense of humanity. Each time we evolve, as a species, it comes after great tragedy and even then, in two or three generations, those tales have less meaning.


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