Game of Thrones season 6 | Brandon Stark predictions


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Season 6 predictions for Brandon Stark

Game of Thrones season 6 | Jon Snow’s return – Trailer Analysis

Game of thrones season 6 | Trailer Breakdown (Red Band)

Game of thrones season 6 playlist

Game of Thrones season 6 ► Brandon Stark ► green sight ► 3 eyed raven ► Children of the forest ► prophetic dreams ► visions ► flashbacks ► winterfell ► tower of joy ► white walkers

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  1. hey guy, you know how in one of the season six trailers Brandon Stark calls out to his father (at the tower of joy) and his father turns around?. well what if Brandon 'mission is to go back (in time ) and tell the Mad king to have a war. Because as Jaime Lannister said "he started a war because the voices in his head told him to ". does this make sence to anyone else??

  2. great videlo. i d like to comment about "The task". In my opinion the task will be to be strong enough to control a dragon and so he will be able to help Daenerys and John Snow fight the white walkers. i think this is a logical explanation. plz make a video about the stone men and ser loraj. dont know if i m typing his name correct. tnx

  3. I think that the whole point of not having Bran during Season 5 was so that the viewers wouldn't have to watch 10 episodes of Bran having visions in a cave. I believe that we will, yes, have our quota of green visions, but the producers also said that Bran's return would be a bit similar to Luke's return in Return of The Jedi, so my guess is that we're going to see a more experienced Bran, knowing most of the ins and outs of his abilities, and — I guess (and hope) — venturing North of The Wall, or somewhere around that region.


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