Only for fan purposes.



  1. I never saw Hannah before GOT. I saw a filthy girl in rags but thought maybe I'm weird but I can see beauty through all of this. I thought that every time I saw her and when they finally cleaned her up… hubba hubba. Hands down the girl with the most natural beauty on the show.

  2. I have a feeling Sam wont die, being a fat nobody with no royal lineage who starts to grow up, the unsung hero and George RR Martin being a fat guy who feels like an unsung hero

  3. Leave it up to GoT to cast a beauty like Hannah Murray and put her in rags that are actually girl next door sexy. She is very very under rated. I think she is every bit as pretty as Sophie Turner.

  4. In my theory of why cinema works the viewer has to have someone they can relate to or have empathy for and these two actors do that for me.  They are not special, not royalty, not chosen for some great purpose, they are just trying to survive.  Of course other actors on GOT do this as well, none more so then Tyrion Lannister who uses comedy, tragedy, and wit.  Or Daenarys who has destiny and heartbreak as her empathic link.  My favorite empathic character was The Hound.  And perhaps what makes this show so popular is that we have so many characters we can have empathy for.

  5. I know GoT won't have a happy ending overall – more like bitter sweet. But if these two (three with little Sam) don't make it, I will rage so bad!! They are not even my favorite characters, but they are some of the few innocent, sweet, truly good people on the show. I really want them to have a happy ending.


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