Game of Thrones Season 6 leaks and spoilers have pretty much confirmed that we’ll be seeing the return of various characters, including Edmure Tully, Brynden Tully (The Blackfish), (Red Wedding Survivors) Jon Snow, Bran Stark, and maybe even Lady Stoneheart?? Oh and I guess we might even get Rickon Stark. Remember Rickon and Osha? Barely…

Anyway, if you’re wondering what characters return, is Jon Snow alive?, and all that stuff about the Game of Thrones Season 6 Characters then watch this video and ask questions in the comments.

Speaking of questions: BURNING QUESTIONS-
1. In Season 6, what powers will Bran have? Other than warging? Flight?
2. Will they actually do Lady Stoneheart? That’s insane if they do.
3. What other characters will return? Did we forget any? Yara Greyjoy might be back because we know Euron is going to be introduced.


Executive Producer: Jeben Berg


Game of Thrones Season 6 – THIS SEASON’S HUGE BATTLE:

Host: Gabe Hohreiter (@gabehohreiter)

* CREW *

Creative Director: Filup Molina
Production Supervisor: Ted Marsden

Directed by: Ted Marsden
Written by: Drew Coolidge
Edited by: Gabe Hohreiter



    After the events of Episode 5 The Door, what if Brienne meets up with Lady Stoneheart after being sent by Sansa to get support from her uncle the Blackfish? What if Lady Stoneheart is back with her Tully family and her brother the Blackfish? And like in the books she and her men think Brienne is a traitor and a Lannister. Which means Brienne and Podrick could find themselves at the end of a rope in the next episode after Brienne refuses to slay the Kingslayer Jaime Lannister.

  2. Regarding Lady Stoneheart, the actress who plays her has gone on record saying that she has taken no part in season 6. It wouldn't be the first time that Game of Thrones actors and producers have straight-up lied to the viewers for the sake of surprising us later. But taking her words at face-value, this doesn't mean that they won't try to incorporate the Lady Stoneheart story into the show.

    This is where I start speculating. Through season 4 there were a lot of scenes that I have a sense were foreshadowing something that they have yet to fully touch on. One scene was Sansa being interrogated by the lords of the Eryie, demonstrating her budding skills of deception by convincing the lords that her aunt Lysa had committed suicide rather than having been killed by Petyr Baelish. The other scene was where Bran retold the tale of The Rat Cook while camping in the Nightfort. Bran's narration carried into the next scene, which showed Walder Frey musing in the aftermath of the Red Wedding. This clearly meant to imply that Walder Frey was the giant white rat from the story who would be doomed to eat his own children.

    I predict that Sansa will deceive the Freys into an alliance, perhaps by offering herself as Lord Walder's next bride. I think it will be at their wedding feast that she will have pies brought in containing the flesh of his dead children and only after she has revealed to Lord Walder the contents of the pies will she unleash her full scale revenge for the Red Wedding. That's my prediction of where the Lady Stoneheart will come into the show.

  3. What if the reason we didnt see mellisandra at castle black with davos during that sneak peak is because they already tried to resurrect jon but mel couldnt do it because she wasnt powerful enough so she left to find the man she knows can, thoros of myr as they met earlier in the show and she knows roughly where he is, but at this point berric is dead and who took his place, lady stoneheart. So now she has to get lady stoneheart to resurrect him. If she did it would complete her character arch bc she was always really shitty to him and she'd be giving her life to save the life of the son she never wanted

  4. I have not heard anyone else say Lady Stoneheart will be on the show, do not think so, however I heard Cold Hands will be saving Bran and Meera. Sooner or later Benjen Stark will show up

  5. Bran probably will be able to see through the weirwoods and talk to anyone near one, through dreams. Just like Brynden Rivers aka Bloodraven aka Three Eyed Crow, did. 😉

    Also he's a warg, as we all know, so can he possible connect to the minds of said people?! Damn. I guess he'll be playing god in any region with a Weirwood nearby.


  6. I really hope Lady Stoneheart will appear in Season 6. Here's why I think she will…

    I think that the TV show will now bring in some story lines that they skipped in the book in order to give George RR Martin time to write the next few books. I don’t think the show will be able to pass out the books too much. I think Jamie going to Dorne and Sansa going to the Boltons with Brianne following her, was just a way for the TV show to stall these characters so they could stall Lady Stoneheart. They want to stall Lady Stoneheart so that Jon’s death would be more shocking to the viewer and the resurrection more jaw-dropping. (Viewers could easily guess that he was defiantly not dead because Lady Stoneheart already came back). Once Jon is back from the dead, it then makes lady Stoneheart’s comeback more shocking and gruesome as she will be so much more decayed than Jon and her resurrection is more believable following Jon’s. Melisandra will bring back into the story her meeting with Beric Dondarrion to remind the viewer how to bring a body back from the dead. This conveniently reintroduces Beric Dondarrion back into the storyline.

    Ayria’s direwolf Nymeria is still wondering the riverlands and I can see Nymeria finding Beric Dondarion and has been with the Brotherhood without banners all this time. The direwolf can now find Catylns body in the river. I think now that Jamie is back from Dorne he will start to move up to the Riverlands. We know blackfish is coming back so Jamie will be sent to deal with him. Brianne is now free to go to the Riverlands in search of Sansa (She will assume Sansa has gone to her Uncle), so that sets it up so that her and Lady Stoneheart can meet and Brianne’s and Jamie’s story arc can continue….


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