Game of thrones season 6 | Death Predictions


Disclaimer: Images & clips from Game Of Thrones
belongs to HBO and other original creators
used in a fair way here

I’m here with the list of characters who may die in season 6

Game of Thrones season 6 | Trailer 2 Breakdown | March Madness

Game of Thrones season 6 | Who is the flayed burning corpse? | Trailer

Game of thrones season 6 playlist

Game of Thrones season 6 ►Death Predictions► characters ► Greyjoys ► Lannisters ► Notherners ► Castle Black ► North of the wall ► south of the wall ► Meereenese ► Braavosi ► Boltons ► Wildlings ► Vaes Dothrak ► Dothraki

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  1. It's so funny looking back on this now, especially how the dorne storyline went the complete opposite of this prediction. I feel like there will be a shit tonne of deaths in the last two episodes and I'm sure some of the people you mentioned (ed & tommen to start with) won't make it to the next season

  2. preatty good, youve missed a couple but i just wish ramsey would get raped by a whitewalker while the giants were tearing his legs off while sansa was shoving his new cut off balls down his throat & jon snow slowing cutting his throat while ghost was chewing on his face, but some how they keep him alive elijah wood sin city style & use him for a living dart board

  3. NOOOOOO I really dont want Cersei to die!!! I love her character! both hers and Tywin's were the characters I loved to hate!! she needs to die BUT not just yet!! and of course i dont want Tormud to die! For Dany's story i only care about Tyrion and Varys..the rest are boring.. in my opinion 🙂

  4. You have been proved wrong for your Dorne theory, Roose and Walda theory. I will not give you any point for the Balon theory which was pretty obvious. I think that you will be wrong in every other prediction too.


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