Podcast Review & Discussion to Game of Thrones season 6 Episode 1 “The Red Woman”! 6×1
Two Sisters, Melissa (massive GoT fan) & Kathryn (sadly, now a Child of Winter), watching and reviewing Game of Thrones (© 217 Home Box Office, Inc)

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  1. I missed this one but two things if you ever read this. But a queef is actually when air gets all up in their and basically makes a farting noise. And in the original script for Leon, Matilda was in love with Leon and they have sex. Even though those overtones were there in the original picture I felt they added to the fact that Natalie Portman was just a kid trying to play bigger than what she was with her attraction to Leon.

    Having them actually have sex would've ruined the film. Although, I don't believe a 12 year old can consent to sex with an adult legally so 'having sex' is a bit of a weird way to put it.

  2. I've finally caught up with all your reactions! One thing I've noticed across all the videos, and it always cracks me up, is that when Kathryn pulls out a weird anecdote and relates it back to the world of GoT. These anecdotes are wayyy too detailed and specific to be made up, she must be talking from experience 😂😂

  3. Hey, Deany's prophecy wasn't about when she would have kids again, it was about when her "love" would return to her. In her mind she's of course thinking her Khal but she has now found a new love and metaphorically the prophecy has been filled meaning she can now have a child with Jon who she's fallen in love with. In the books she has started her period again at minimum, if not having a miscarriage of Darrio's baby.

  4. Hey Queens of the North 😃. Great discussion. You say Jorah wouldn't have found that ring in the grass….really 🤔? Remember who we are talking about, It's Jorah who is completely obsessed with Dany!! It's the stalker mentality inside of him, so of course Jorah would find it and not Dario 🤣, what they didn't show us was that Jorah was there in that spot for hours, searching every blade of grass because he has to get to his KHALEESI 😒…..you are both underestimating the power of pum pum here 🤣🤣🤣.

  5. That hasn't happened in the books, yet. We'll have to wait and see if Melisandre is the same in the books as well. Me think she is very ancient in the books as well. She's very intriguing character. I always loved Melisandre as a character.

  6. The worst thing about the whole Dornish situation in Season 6 is the fact that the Sand Snakes and co. essentially committed Treason by killing the remaining Martells, the head family which essentially rules Dorne, and that is not to mention that kin-slaying is looked down upon.

  7. Remember at this time Sansa has just escaped a serial rapist, psychological terrorist after being sold to same by the first man since her father she had reason to trust. Since the age of 14 she’s bee living in a golden torture chamber.

  8. Thorne did not promise mutton. He paused, surprised by the demand, then said "we'll give you food", which is the natural thing to do when you are sincere. There is no indication Thorne is planning to kill anyone. He wants to move on and come back to a normal situation. He will not punish anyone because he knows he needs all the men he can get. Davos and the few others are the ones creating the conflict in this episode.

  9. National Treasure, he got arrested but didn't die. You two ladies are a national treasure too, love how you break everything down. BTW K was off her game a little today, it must be the cold weather, but she had a good save at the end.

  10. I've always had the feeling that the High Sparrow was playing cat and mouse with his prisoners, clearly using Septa Unella as his 'bad cop' wing woman so that he could appear as the good guy and press confessions.

  11. Melisandre is suspected to be around 400 years old as per implications in the text and questions posed to George R. R. Martin over the years, which places her right around the time that the Doom came to Valyria. There's a lot of mystery surrounding the Doom and its cause, and I won't spoil the few scant theories presented in the books themselves, but in the show's mythology, I wouldn't be surprised if the faith of R'hllor (the Lord of Light) might hold some responsibility considering their frequent obsession with fire and blood sacrifices. It's no surprise that House Targaryen happen to have the words Fire and Blood as their own. The Doom itself is described as a massive chain of volcanic eruptions across fourteen different peaks across Valyria which literally shattered the entire peninsula and rained lethal ash across all of Valyria. Such a cataclysmic event could easily give rise to the worship of fire (the eruption) and shadow (the ash). Melisandre counters people that claim the shadows as tools of evil by saying that every shadow requires light to survive, and thus they are the domain of the Lord of Light instead. It's also interesting to note that the few survivors that fled Valyria and the nearby areas tried to rebuild in Volantis thereafter before the Freehold fell apart over the next century. And where is the show's temple for the faith of the Lord of Light based? Volantis. I suspect the faith is based in Asshai by the Shadow in the books, however. Anywho, I guess the revelation of Melisandre's apparent age could imply that she's had a hand in many more things than we might have thought over the centuries.

  12. Melisandra can still do whatever sorcery she pleases to my genitals in whatever shape or form. I love that sexy lunatic and her beautiful insane glare. My thoughts are dark and full of errors and I shall continue to charm my cobra with extra virgin coconut oil for the Red Woman.

  13. Kathryn, I am pretty sure you are wrong about Ramsey, Miranda and the dog part. 'Feed her to the dogs' shows exactly who he is: first he is fueling his thirst for violence with pseudo feelings and then he is showing that he actually doesn't care about her at all…

  14. Cersei did not live vicariously through Myrcella. She saw her as something good that she could produce. As surprising as it can be, Cersei expressed the need to know she could be good herself. It is evidence of a struggle within which has never been exposed that way before. It is also evidence that she values these qualities in a person. Then she ends up saying she has to suffer because it wouldn't be right otherwise. It is nonsense, of course, but it tells that Cersei has a strong sense of "what's right". "Lannisters pay their debts". They play by the rules and Cersei has retained that family culture.

  15. 13:10 "We need context". Yes, you do, because you want the whole thing to make sense but the masses don't. Brienne's sudden appearance out of nowhere with Pod in tow was one of the many fool pleasing short-cuts the show is now made of. Ramsay won't even bother hunting them down and they will miraculously arrive safe at Castle Black.

  16. One important thing to know, is that George R R Martin is a big atheist. The religions in westeros exist in the same way they do in ours, where the actual existence of a god will never be known… The important part is people's belief in religion and what they ascribe to a higher power… So, we don't know if the lord of light is a real entity, or if its just…. magic… because magic is real in this world. We know Melisandre has real powers, and she sees muddied visions of the future that come true in unexpected ways, but we don't really know if there is a higher power beyond just magic. In that final scene, Melisandre's beliefs in her own powers are at their lowest, and she sheds the facade in order to get a real look at herself and face the truth. I imagine she hasn't taken that necklace off in a long time.


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