Game of Thrones Episode 10 Scene “Jon Snow – The King of The North”



  1. When Lady Mormont said "you refused the call" she brought me to tears. The Starks have been through so much, mainly because people are willing to sell their souls for an ounce of power.  So glad to see that through it all the Starks and Lady Mormont kept their integrity. Who would've thought their greatest ally would be a 10 year old, badass that she is.

  2. This was one of my favorite scenes of season 6, it signified that Jon Snow was no longer going to be detached from Westerosi politics. I look forward to seeing him play a larger role in the bigger picture.

  3. Damn. The wait for season 7 of Game of Thrones is gonna be almost as bad as the wait for season 7 of The Walking Dead was. With I could watch it already. I can't wait to see what's going to happen.

  4. Im a little angry at this part. Why would Snow consent to the self coronation when he knows that it will do nothing but cause another great rift in the kingdoms. In turn, causing aggression and inevitable invasion from the south. He of all people should understand that the real threat comes from the north, and should be making steps to ensure the coordinated defense of the realm by all the kingdoms. Doing this will doom him again.


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