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  1. please, Sansa, herself, didnt do shit, if she wants to get credit she's an attention whore. Game of theones people, especially northeners, respect power and strength over anything. IF LF and Sansa plan against John, it will have something to do with lord kirvin; he got waaaaay to much screentime

  2. I love the misdirection from all the cast members. Sansa loves Jon she would never betray him. She did not tell Jon about LF because she did not want Jon to die. Jon would of never agreed to the help from the Vale he is too much like her father and she knew that. She in a way did that to protect Jon. If you think Sansa is going to betray Jon you have no idea how loyal the Stark family is. Jon maybe a bastard but he is a Stark to all his siblings just not Catelyn, and Sansa may be a lot like her mother but she knew how she treated him in the past was wrong and she knew her mother was wrong for it as well.

  3. With the massive weight bearing down on them from multiple directions, Sansa better just cut it with the brother-sister "me too" crap and just be really happy that Jon Snow is even there in that position at all. Of all the kings to criticize….if the medieval silliness about who his mother is wasn't a factor in the first place, Sansa would be even less relevant. Then again, if it weren't for the sexism of the medieval culture, Sansa herself would probably be King in the North.

  4. I think Sansa is happy for Jon, you can see it in her smile as they chant "The King in the North!", but at the same time she does want a bit of recognition. I don't think she'll betray him as many others think she will

  5. ok so what was jon supposed to do-just say nope not king in the north-sansa deserve it more????? jon likes the idea of being king in the north-i mean it is an honour for everyone in the room to stand up and say that but just a nanosecond ago they were arguing about going back home for winter. jon doesn't want to be king but it is the only way he can push his agenda forward-the white walkers are coming so he can't refuse! Dunno what he was supposed to do to satisfy sansa-jon has enough going on already…

  6. I do wish sometimes that the directors would make Jon to be more intelligent than they do. In the books, he displays far more intellect and makes better decisions. I don't like how they've dumbed down his character in the show, especially in this season. In season 4 I felt that they had Jon almost spot on and he was on par with book Jon but more recently they've not stayed true to the character and it's annoying. I hope in the next season they'll start having his character make better decisions and less stupid ones. Stick to how the character is in the book and you can't go wrong.

  7. Honestly, if Sansa betrays Jon for LF next season, if she thinks, she would be able to manage the WW-situation without Jon with LF (how? LF whispering false ideas into the NK's ears?), then she is even stupider, than in S1, and she deserves to die. I won't cry for her.
    And about Jon being stupid: I love the show, I love Kit Harrington, but I don't like, that D&D made Jon act stupidly sometimes. BookJon is a great negotiator (loan from the Iron Bank for the Nightswatch), a genius strategist (his advises to Stannis), good organizer (how he prepares the Wall for the Great War). BookJon is not so straightly honorable, than Ned, he is able to act ruthless (sending Gilly away without her son)… BookJon would be a perfect king and I am sure, that bookJon would not stand alone in the enemy charge in the BoB so dumb, I expect some great tactic from him for BoB in the books.
    Anyway, I love the show, I love Kit Harrington' acting, but please, D&D, enclose his character to the books: Jon supposed to be a genius, and not so stupidly honorable. And a WARG (also Arya). The whole point of being half Stark (warg) and half Targaryen (dragon) is for that he is the only one able to control a dragon by warging, with his mind. The dragons can not be tamed… but he is able to tame his, that is why he is unique as a Targaryen. He should use to warg after his death, where is Ghost…?!

  8. This pisses me off, what Sansa has done for him was withhold information of a fully prepared, nuts strength army being available to help him, thus making Jon endure the hell that was the battle of the bastards, Sansa should be apologetic to Jon, not envious or angry

  9. Um? Jon told Sansa that she should take the lords room because they would've lost without her knights of the vale plan. She said no u take it. HE GAVE HER ALMOST ALL THE CREDIT AND OBVIOUSLY RESPECTS HER A GREAT DEAL. I'm skeptical about how David and Dan are going to pull off their strife in season 7

  10. All these actors pretty much just told us that Sansa is going to do something sketchy towards Jon in the future. Whether alone, or w/ the help of Littlefinger?! That just kills me, I wanted so much for the two of them to fight as one & be a family again, but it's a show & that's what makes it the game of thrones; no happy endings in Westeros.

  11. I missed that then. I figured she just wanted her home back and revenge on ramsay. didn't know she wanted a gold star or a participating trophy…. if she betrays him….. that'll be poor story telling….

  12. Why should Sansa be trusted? She knows that Littlefinger was responsible of Jon Aryans death and still she trusts him. Not to mention the part about all those soldiers dying because she withheld information from Jon.

  13. The King In The North, Bastard of Winterfell, Black Bastard, Lord of Winterfell, 998. th lord commander of the nights watch, White Walker Slayer, King Crow, Man Who Return From the dead, Prince that was promised. He is JON SNOW!


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