Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 9 Trailer & Episode 8 Recap Clips and Featurette – 2016 HBO Series Season 6 Finale Preview

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Game of Thrones ist eine US-amerikanische Dramaserie aus dem Hause HBO. Die Geschichte basiert auf George R.R. Martins Romanreihe A Song of Ice and Fire, die hierzulande unter dem Titel Das Lied von Eis und Feuer geläufig ist. Angesiedelt in den sieben Königreichen von Westeros folgt Game of Thrones den noblen Herrscherfamilien, die um die Kontrolle über den Eisernen Thron kämpfen und darüber hinaus gemeinsam gegen böse Mächte aus dem eisigen Norden antreten müssen.



  1. a weird duck with a considerable background and and interest in sci fi and fantasy. Entertainment involving the burning alive of a little girl is not an entertainment for the same. in another book also a fantasy book the idea behind it was a sexually aggresive 9 yr old girl, is that ok by you? the sexual violence aimed at women in Norman books was graphic and brutal, is that also entertainment for you? Perhaps,one such as you would have gleefully tied the character of the little girl to that stake? Martin did not write about one man in that army willing to fight to the death to prevent its occurance. Heinlein wrote of an incident where a man and a nameless hobo both died trying save the mans wife whose foot was caught in a railroad track. he said neither man made attempt to flee right up to the point the train hit all 3. He said that is how a man dies, not a shirtless creature too afraid to fight for what is right. I suspect you don't have a clue of that concept. foolish juvenile minded little man.

  2. 14:00 i saw that 'ghost of a smile' the first time i saw the episode but i wasn't sure i saw it. So i played it again and i saw it again but still wasn't sure if it was intentional or not. Now i know and i think this is a really awesome shot to capture that 'ghost of a smile'!

  3. the dam season is over so quick that is my only problem with this show! I'm addicted to g.o.t ! best show ever and they need to have a spin off when they are done with the season to hold people over till its back on! rip wun.wun.

  4. In the books, the battle of ice will be between Stannis (who is still alive) and his Florent and Mountain Clan Army versus the army of the Freys (who have sent an army to Winterfell to assist their new relatives the Boltons). The Manderlys are wildcards in this battle, as is Ramsey who might become involved at this point. Whoresbane and Crowfood Umber as well as the mysterious Hooded Man, Asha & her captured Ironborn, and Theon, may have significant parts to play as well. The last book ends with a cliffhanger, Jon Snow receiving a letter from Ramsey, challenging him to a fight, along with other news. The reader is left with his/her head spinning, wondering what's true, what's false, and what end is up. But the show just does what it does, dumbing down the plot for easy consumption. Jon and Ramsey fight – yeah – Battle of Bastards – kill kill kill! And you show people wonder why we book people roll our eyes so much…

  5. i know the books arent finished so if there is a scene with the queen of dragons and herself from the iron islands it shoul be done i mean the actresses seem game ball and the world would love to see it

  6. Why don't we just enjoy the show and stop looking for loop holes? I don't understand why you keep on watching GOT when all you guys do is criticize. Try being part of the production team and let's see how you do. I'm just glad that this show exist.

  7. Never been faced with the choices of life and death have you? Strange, perhaps I am but committing dishonorable acts are not within my make up. Read hour of the horde bt GRD or any of his books. Heinlein , Ringo, or Weber. burning alive children is not contained within any of these tomes . The Garbage and the sexually abuse in Normans alter Earth. I'm sure you would enjoy every page. Such men as the authors are rare creatures not seen or appreciated like such as you.

  8. for some reason unknown to me I was unable to comment on another vile scene. The burning alive of yet another person. this time a child, by a supposed follower of the light and her father. Do you demented bastards out there like this? I loved Martin's Tuf voyaging, I thought I loved his writings. I was wrong, I'm glad I didn't buy the series, I'm equally glad I didn't watch the series. None of these writers apparently have ever heard of an honorable kill. quick and as painless as possible. you little boys out there who enjoy this madness probably have little understanding of the concept of a soldiers honor. or an honorable death. you Martin. the writers deserve each other.

  9. Smalljon really let the north down. If his men had turned on Ramsay, the Knights of the Vale may not have even been necessary and the north would be stronger overall going into the coming chaos.

  10. I find that I will difficult for Daenerys to travel with three Dragons. Someone will probably say: "they fly, I don't think they will have an issue at all". The problem is this Dragons are not "trained", they do not "follow" orders. Besides they have never traveled large distances. And they have always been in a warm, meditteranian weather. How are they going to survive un the North? Daenerys will have rough time even with her "horse army" (I forgot how are they called.) What do you say? Opinions?

  11. I hate that everyone pretends that sansa is the most hurt and sad character in the show because she was raped once.SERIOUSLY????half of the female characters in the show were raped or tortured or both.Not even talking about Theon.Jon deserved to kill Ramsay,He was the one to risk his life to save Rickon and the one fighting in the mud and shit. unlike sansa that was patiently waiting for littlefinger


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