Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 Crazy Bran Hodor Theory Q&A. Hodor Warg Lyanna Stark, Jon Snow R+L=J Tower of Joy, Night’s King and Rickon Stark Conspiracy â–ș
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  1. Rickard Stark The Lord of Winterfell (at the time) is the one wealding the sword. When Lyanna was taken by Rhaegar, Ned Stark's father and his brother Brandon Stark whent to Kings Landing to hold the Targaryens accountable. The Mad King Aerys, took them captured and held a trial for them. Lord Rickard demanded a trial by combat, expecting to fight a Kingsguard. Aerys granted Rickard's request but to the Mad King, House Targaryen's champion was fire. Protected by Ser Gerold Hightower and Ser Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard, Aerys had Rickard suspended in the throne room of the Red Keep. Rossart and another pyromancer lit a fire beneath Rickard while he was dressed in his steel armor. Brandon, with a Tyroshi noose around his neck and a sword just out of his reach, was made to watch his father roast. Trying to reach the sword to save his dying father, Brandon strangled himself to death. "Burn them all".
    The bones of Lord Rickard and Brandon Stark was returned to Winterfell along with the sword. The rest is history.

  2. Bran travels astrally, I thought. His body stays put, but his spirit travels. In previous seasons, he has appeared to be a trance during warging, his body immobile. So, how is it that Bran can be seen or touched, if my understanding is correct? Or is the Night's King also nonphysical in some sense, therefore being able to see/touch nonphysical Bran? Or is Bran actually traveling physically while his body remains stationary, a la John Carter of Mars?

  3. Hodor has devoted all his life to Bran, perhaps this is destiny.
    He carried Bran across the wall and deep into the area which are full of white walkers only for Bran's dream, he was born for him and also die for him. this makes all GOT fans touched, who can give his whole life to another???

  4. after watching episode 5. what if the three eyed raven , who is actually a targaryn was whispering to the mad king. they were blood related and he was just warning Aerys to burn them all (whitewalkers). and i think that thousand he says is just like exaggeration. just like how someone says "i called you a 1000 times" but they only called like 3-4 times.

  5. I want arya to leave the house of many faces, and go off on her own, but I also hope that she runs into the hound, who wakes her up, and says you are arya stark, and finish your kill list

  6. Hey Charlie! Based on the trailer for next weeks episode, it looks like it's going to pick up right where we left off with Meera dragging Bran as they escape. If you slow down the beginning of the trailer and go frame by frame, it looks like someone rides up to help them escape the wights chasing them. Do you think there's any chance that this is finally Coldhands to the rescue? Big time fan- thanks a bunch!

  7. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but I wonder if by Bran calling out to his Father as he is about to enter the tower of joy, if by young Ned hearing that, it gives him the idea to take John Snow and say he is Father. If R+L=J then young Ned is about to walk into a shit storm discovery and will have to think fast. So maybe Hodor isn't the only example of Brans actions bleeding into the present.

  8. This Hodor theory now, is soooooooooo sad…. That was probably the Biggest WTF, question answered moment in the series… Can we please just confirm R + L= J now??? especially if there aren't but about 15 episodes left in the whole series 🙁 RIP Summer, RIP Hodor

  9. Bran is the three eyed raven and the three eyed raven is bran. Literally not meteorically. " Jojen Reed: You can't kill it you know. Bran Stark: Why not? Jojen Reed: Because the raven is you." Also the three eyed raven says It is time. Bran:for what? Three eyed raven:To become me. Bran: am I ready? Three eyed raven: No. This leads me to believe that. 1. Bran figures out that the past can be altered to an extent. 2. Bran projects back to change something for a very important reason. 3. bran stays too long and gets trapped there. 4. while trapped the children of the forest help Bran and Bran becomes the three eyed raven. This would explain how the three eyed raven knew exactly who to watch and the three eyed ravens memory is also Bran's future. Bran: will I ever walk again? Three eyed raven: no , but you will fly. I personally think that Bran will be one of the dragon riders in the war to come.

  10. Hodor!!! Do you think the show is using the red priest to replace Marwyn the Mage character? And do you think Ben Stark probably run into the children of the forest and they turned him into Coldhands??


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