Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 Trailer & Episode 2 Recap Clips and Featurette – 2016 HBO Series
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Game of Thrones ist eine US-amerikanische Dramaserie aus dem Hause HBO. Die Geschichte basiert auf George R.R. Martins Romanreihe A Song of Ice and Fire, die hierzulande unter dem Titel Das Lied von Eis und Feuer geläufig ist. Angesiedelt in den sieben Königreichen von Westeros folgt Game of Thrones den noblen Herrscherfamilien, die um die Kontrolle über den Eisernen Thron kämpfen und darüber hinaus gemeinsam gegen böse Mächte aus dem eisigen Norden antreten müssen.
No matter what they do to her, or how many times she denies it…she will always be Arya Stark….with that list of those she would revenge herself upon.
please kill off tommen
can someone tell me any info about the giant guy/thing that's now protecting Cercei ?
John Snow is alive….and naked from the waist down. Good.
nyc one
Hey Guys I found these Awesome Fan made Game of Thrones T-Shirts!!!
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+Daenerys & her dragons Shirt
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All Hail Azor Ahai!!!
Too predictable.
Who didn't see Jon Snow leaving the Night's Watch?
Melisandre said the magic word….Please everyone forgets the second part of the ancient texts he is the Lord of Light… and politeness
The darker, the easier are the special effects.
John snow is ILLUMINATI?
Cersei's little Frankenstein buddy plan is going to backlash on her really really bad.
Let's hope by D&D stating that the northern houses view the boltons as traitors that rickon isn't really given to him by the inverse and flayed.
Yeeeeeeessssss!!!!! Jon Snow is ALIVE!!!! Thank you so much Melly for Reviving Jon Snow. Weeeeeepppppppppeeeeeeyyyyyy!!!!
it's exactly right. it's definitely a lazy story telling everytime I see a flashback in anything. but you guys r doing a awesome. it's very important to know some facts of their past life especially those who didn't read the books
Ahh sheeit tower of joy here we go.
Speculation: The gift for Ramsay is an impostor Sansa (harking back to the impostor Arya in ADWD).
The best episode since s05e09 in my opinion. So hyped for what's to come, Dave and Dan don't even mention the huge developments with Tyrion and the dragons, plus Euron tossing Balon off the Pyke bridge.
Jon snow died for our sins and returned to show us the light.
Melisandre redeemed herself from last episode.
What's the name of the song at the ending scene of ep 02?
What is your name? What is your quest? What is your favorite color?.
rickon is the gift the ambers give to the boltons…fuck
I'm so glad John alive. I knew anyway.
jon a walkingg deaddddd, welcome back
Ohhhhh thanks for posting this _