Cenk, John, Ben, and Matt review in-depth another spectacular episode from season 6 of HBO’s Game Of Thrones. It just keeps. getting. better.

“Book Of The Stranger” – Tyrion strikes a deal; Jorah and Daario engage in a difficult task; Jaime and Cersei try to improve their situation.



  1. don't worry non-book ppl, the book ppl couldn't tell you anything that's gonna happen with dany & tryrion & meereen, in the books, tyrion hasn't even met dany yet, & the last we saw of dany was when she was standing out in the field surrounded by dothraki

    & all the ppl in other reviews who were bitching about dany being back with the dothraki must not know about quaithe's prophecy to dany: “To go north, you must journey south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward, you must go back. To touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow.” “Quaithe?” Dany called. “Where are you, Quaithe?” Then she saw. Her mask is made of starlight. “Remember who you are, Daenerys,” the stars whispered in a woman’s voice. “The dragons know. Do you?"

    & guys, the black dragon's name is drOgon, named after khal drogo lol

    & i would be sooo pissed if LF wins….but in my opinion, there will be NO throne in the end & what's left of the 7 kingdoms will go back to being 7 separate kingdoms again (remember dany's vision of the snow covered & burnt out throne room, 1 of the few instances of visions or prophecies, they ACTUALLY did put in the show, when they don't even mention 90% of the ones that were in the books)

  2. its really stupid that they think just because the George martin its involved in helping with the tv show plot that must mean the exact same things will happen in the books,but he is not an idiot,he knows things have to be diferent,because 95% of characters in the books dont exist in the show.

  3. You gotta love how the intolerant progressives take ownership of things like women in power, gays in power, etc.  except their ignorance on freedom and gun laws…they will never get that because they crave control.

  4. Baelish's tactical moves are hard to predict, but his strategy seems obvious by now: if he takes Winterfell from the Boltons, the Lannisters will accept him as warden of the North, he already has that concession. So then he'll be in charge of two of the seven Kingdoms. Even if he doesn't have an iPhone exact plan after that, it's a pretty good position. His endgame could involve parlaying all this into becoming Hand of whiever ends up on the Iron Throne, then using that to either betray, or marry into the royal line. Or do what he did in the vale and become the true power behind the crown.

  5. the one thing with the tyrells coming in is having the king's army on their side and previously Cersei and a couple other notable people had been intent on keeping Margaery in so would have been telling Tommen not to agree to that, and other machinations as well I'm sure to prevent that from happening

  6. Calling it now – Petyr Baelish wrote the pink letter in order to spark chaos in the North and use that chaos as a ladder, just like what he did with Jon Arryn and Joffery. He even says when he brings the falcon to Robin Arryn, "Come and see." I see what you did there, Littlefinger.

  7. I get that this show is political, and even though I agree with some of your views, you should keep your political opinions out of the show. I find it unbearable, and won't be watching again.


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