Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 4 Trailer & Episode 3 Recap Clips and Featurette – 2016 HBO Series

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Game of Thrones ist eine US-amerikanische Dramaserie aus dem Hause HBO. Die Geschichte basiert auf George R.R. Martins Romanreihe A Song of Ice and Fire, die hierzulande unter dem Titel Das Lied von Eis und Feuer geläufig ist. Angesiedelt in den sieben Königreichen von Westeros folgt Game of Thrones den noblen Herrscherfamilien, die um die Kontrolle über den Eisernen Thron kämpfen und darüber hinaus gemeinsam gegen böse Mächte aus dem eisigen Norden antreten müssen.



  1. D&D are weak, pussy-whipped assholes, and they think all men should be like that. But, this show is ridiculous. All the men are depicted as silly crybabies, while the women are strong super heroes. It's unrealistic and laughable. GoT has jumped the shark, and will never be as good as it used to be, when GRRM was involved. To Hell with the politically correct story lines.

  2. At the end of last season I was soooo pissed off and hurt by Jon Snow death I decided not to watch it ever again. But: Hey! Writers made up for it.
    This season is being AMAZING.
    So, after Jon Snow resurrection, this one is my favorite episode ever.

  3. So Jon really returns?? I thought he would be really dead. If you could bring back one dead person from GoT (except Jon) who should it be?? I would choose Eddard Stark. Everything started with his death so why not let him continue living. So who should continue in your opinion???

  4. it was 6 on 2 then 5 on 1 who cares if he stabbed him in the back it was never fair in the 1st place lol plus the guy was unstoppable with two swords i would of gave that back stabbing fuck the best room in my house treated him like my brother

  5. I wish I had no knowledge George R.R. Martin not writing the book that's supposed to correlate with this season. Now as I watch each episode I feel as if they are empty, lacking depth…like they are missing something.

  6. If you'll notice, Ned doesn't stab Arther Dayne in the Back, Howland Reed does. Ned just did the merciful thing and ended Dayne's life quickly. I'm sure he punished Howland for his dishonour later.
    So to me, Ned was still willing to give his life for his honour here, even after witnessing all he had through the war.

  7. Arya Stark is gonna kill everyone disguised as their most trusted! cersei will get killed by Arya disguised as Jamie, Jamie be murdered by Arya disguised as Tyrion, Ramsay murdered by Arya disguised as… Ramsay himself. The Mountain to murdered by Arya disguised as The Hound even though the mountain dont trust his dead brother, its just sweet science. Walder Frey will be murdered by Arya disguised as her mother Catelyn Stark. remember Arya is doing some mad bloodsport van damme type training, she becomes no one and can kill anyone she wishes then!

  8. just thought of something.. don't know if it's a hint..but when the waif asked arya stark who is she before coming to braavos.. she mentioned her name, her father, her mother, her sister and 4 brothers..den she got caned(okay.. everytime she got caned is she did not speak truefully) so maybe it's a foreshadow thingy about jon snow's fate or maybe not.. just my thoughts. =)


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