Game of Thrones season 6 Episode 5 Preview


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GOT S06E05 Title : The Door

Tyrion seeks a strange ally. Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) learns a great deal. Brienne (Gwendoline Christie) goes on a mission. Arya (Maisie Williams) is given a chance to prove herself.

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Game of thrones Season 6 ► Episode 5 ► The Door ► Sansa Stark ► Jon Snow ► Littlefinger ► Brienne ► Kinvara ► Red woman ► Tyrion ► Varys ► Arya Stark ► Jaqen ► Mission ►Episode 5 Preview ► Daenerys ► Vaes Dothrak ► Dothraki

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  1. One of the most dramatic episodes of all time. Finally got to see how the night king become the night king. How hordor become hordor. The consequences of three eye raven, very significant episode. If you can change the past like that, I wonder how bran would utilise that or did he do some more damage already.

  2. Blah-blah.Of course Sansa is angry on LF.But LF didn't know about Ramsey.Aidan Gillen said that, a little spoiler.And thinking Sansa will take Vale army is ridiculus.Yes LF taught her about playing games, but she is still Stark, honest and brave, we saw that in last episode.

  3. Hate to hate, but I think your guest narrator (last week) fits the role better! And you/the team behind this channel do an awesome job delivering high quality content. Just my two cents!
    Thanks for what you guys do!

  4. Spoiler alert for what I'm about to say
    You know the trailer at the beginning of the season where they show 2 burning bodies, I might have and idea of they are. I believe that the 2 bodies are going to be rickon and Osha. Indeed Ramsey already kill Osha and I think he'll be waiting Jon and Sansa with a sad gift

  5. you have that curious voice reminiscent of Jack Hanna or Rick Steves, it keeps me captivated and interested like you just showed me Rome or a Camel, I am captivated by the childish qualities and your slight lisp, fucking love it


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