Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 8 Preview


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GOT S06E08 – No One
While Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) weighs his options, Cersei (Lena Headey) answers a request.
Tyrion’s (Peter Dinklage) plans bear fruit. Arya (Maisie Williams) faces a new test.

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 8 Promo clip

Game of Thrones Season 6 Arya Stark Theories

Why there must always be a Stark in Winterfell?

Game of thrones Season 6 ►No One ► Episode 8 ► Arya Stark ► Waif ► The Mountain ► Cersei ► Faith Militant ► Jaime ► Brienne ► Blackfish ►Siege of Riverrun ►The Hound ► Brotherhood ►Tyrion ► Sons of the harpy ► The Red Priestess

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  1. There will be no Lady Stoneheart unfortunately . That brotherhood member that was bought back to life is alive , and in the books (correct me if i am wrong ) he gives his life to The God of Light for hers … unless u know they bring her back to life as a skeleton, lol

  2. most disappointing episode ever—arya magically healed and ran trough all the city like nothing?
    beric is alive and no LSH?
    the blackfish died off scene?
    dany just arrive from nowhere, alone in drogon???

  3. I like your videos, your predictions are always solid. I agree with you on most of this, but I really hope you're wrong about the Frey's and Riverrun – goddamn why does GRRM keep letting those scruffy Frey bastards win?!?!

  4. I'd laugh if Gendry comes back. But he comes back in Bravos to help save Arya. Since he would more than likely realize Arya might have went to Bravos. It's a bit far fetched, but I don't see any other characters he'd be introduced into unless he joins the Brotherhood.

  5. (Theory with potential spoiler) when cercei chooses the moutain as her champion i boleive tommen the boy king will be the sparrows champion and he will be the "little brother" the one that kills cercei as foretold by the witch. if that makes any sense.

  6. Black fish (tullies army)and brienne will escape river run join the Knights of the vale and march north to aid snow and stark armies to take winterfell back before the wall falls and the walkers come south. Lannister and Frey will march on a empty castle there will be no siege.

  7. im confused. How do you figure that Dany isnt going to Westeros any time soon? Did you miss last weeks episode? or at least the part when Yara tells Theon that they are going to Meereen to make a deal with the Dragon Queen?

  8. While john,Davos,Sansa and tormond Are headed to winterfell,Davos comes across the camp where shireen was sacraficed.he finds the wooden horse he made for her and becomes very angry and confronts melisandre,and she admits to it.probably kills herHound battles thoros of myr one on one and wins.kills lemoncloak and Flynn as well,setting up lady stoneheart (episode 10 likely )Since the waif tricked arya the first time as and elderly woman,this times she fight arya as a child and she will start persecution .Arya kills waif and while badly injured finds jaqen who will validate that's she's now "no one".arya fleas braavos to join john and Sansa and kills Walter Frey.3 peoples on her list dies this season.Gendry returnsAsha and theon join daenerys.euron doesn't do much,his plot comes season 7.Benjen escorts bran to the wall.bran has the r+l=j vision confirming that(no words of what she whispered).There will be no clegane bowl this season.Sparrow sends Lancel to speak with tommen but runs into cersi,qyburn and mountain.cersi refuses to let Lancel and friends see tommen and chooses violence.Cersi sets the mountain loose on several sparrows,which he kills.mountain also smashes septa unella.cersi is refused trial by combatTommen kills himself at the red keepQuyburn kills pycelle at least(sends his "birds"),Brienne and pod go to the riverlands at Jamie's camp.bronn suprises pod,with strangling him(his way of saying hello).brienne and Jamie talk in tent,Jamie dislikes she's siding with tullys.brienne explains the stuff in the north,and you'll see just how much of an a$$hole Jamie really is(similar to season 1&2),he doesn't believe in the others,and he is sent to deal with the tullys,not the boltons.not Jamie's problem,etc.Brienne goes inside riverrun to meet with blackfish and delivers a letter.jamie forces edmure to surrender riverrun,as he is The Lord,not the blackfish.blackfish shoots arrows at lanisters.a battle ensues inside riverrun,and brienne is barely able to escape.-rickon dies in johns arms before the start of battle bowl-little finger helps Sansa late in the bastard bowl after wunwum goes down and Jon seems to be going down.-Jon becomes king of the north,Sansa will back him but not whole heartedly..-everyone that turn their backs on the Starks will come around and apologize,ramsey will obviously be captured or killed by Jon,after killing rickon(serving his character justice).-brienne and Jamie will clash,then conspire.jamie with start the fight with blackfish.brienne will encounter blackfish as well and ends up not convincing him to surrender riverrun in order to help fight for Jon and Sansa and take down boltons.Tyrion will thankfully talk to the red woman kinyara.the dragons will get angrier with being locked in captivity and varys,tyrion,etc hear the dragons start to roar.sons of harpy will attack the city,tyrion orders greyworm to defend the city,but the immaculate are being defeated by sheer number,when everything seems to be lost,dany,darthraki and drogon appear and kill sons of harpy.Tyrion will gain great respect and popularity,varys leaves mareen.(I speculate that possibly unknowingly varys and tyrions bond is so tight because tyrion is targaryen).Also I think daario or varys are responsible for sons of harpy.–Sam gets in a fight with a maester using the sword he stole.-Walf dies-cersi probably tries to burn down kings landing,dies probably at hands of mountain -Ramsey will be imprisioned and eaten by hounds or beaten to death after fleeing by Jon -Chaos in kings landing!lanisters and faith eliminated(tyrells survive).-white walkers penetrate wall-ironborn,unsullied,dorthraki(dany),heads to westeros.Dany she definitely survives until season 8 where dragon will be enormous.Final two Dragons to be freed probably episode 9.Brans visions are filling in Roberts rebellion and showing Dragons and wildfire will be vital to defeating white walkers!Sansa is pregnant I believe tyrion,Jon,dany are related.

  9. I think that the Blackfish is able to sneak out his army and leave enough at Riverrun to make the Lanisters think they are still there. The pic of Lanisters and Frey's celebrating does not have Jamie so maybe Jamie keeps some at Riverrun to wait it out thinking the Blackfish is still there. I think there probably is something to R+L=J but I think Gendry will be the Prince who was promised. I'm wondering if Lady Mormont is thinking that if she sends more men to help Jon that she would be the right age to pair up with Ricon to become the newest King and Queen of the North. Rickon could learn a few things from Lady Leanna, that could be fun to watch.

  10. While john,Davos,Sansa and tormond Are headed to winterfell,Davos comes across the camp where shireen was sacraficed.he finds the wooden horse he made for her and becomes very angry and confronts melisandre,and she admits to it.probably kills herHound battles thoros of myr one on one and wins.kills lemoncloak and Flynn as well,setting up lady stoneheart (episode 10 likely )Since the waif tricked arya the first time as and elderly woman,this times she fight arya as a child and she will start persecution .Arya kills waif and while badly injured finds jaqen who will validate that's she's now "no one".arya fleas braavos to join john and Sansa and kills Walter Frey.3 peoples on her list dies this season.Gendry returnsAsha and theon join daenerys.euron doesn't do much,his plot comes season 7.Benjen escorts bran to the wall.bran has the r+l=j vision confirming that(no words of what she whispered).There will be no clegane bowl this season.Sparrow sends Lancel to speak with tommen but runs into cersi,qyburn and mountain.cersi refuses to let Lancel and friends see tommen and chooses violence.Cersi sets the mountain loose on several sparrows,which he kills.mountain also smashes septa unella.cersi is refused trial by combatTommen kills himself at the red keepQuyburn kills pycelle at least(sends his "birds"),Brienne and pod go to the riverlands at Jamie's camp.bronn suprises pod,with strangling him(his way of saying hello).brienne and Jamie talk in tent,Jamie dislikes she's siding with tullys.brienne explains the stuff in the north,and you'll see just how much of an a$$hole Jamie really is(similar to season 1&2),he doesn't believe in the others,and he is sent to deal with the tullys,not the boltons.not Jamie's problem,etc.Brienne goes inside riverrun to meet with blackfish and delivers a letter.jamie forces edmure to surrender riverrun,as he is The Lord,not the blackfish.blackfish shoots arrows at lanisters.a battle ensues inside riverrun,and brienne is barely able to escape.-rickon dies in johns arms before the start of battle bowl-little finger helps Sansa late in the bastard bowl after wunwum goes down and Jon seems to be going down.-Jon becomes king of the north,Sansa will back him but not whole heartedly..-everyone that turn their backs on the Starks will come around and apologize,ramsey will obviously be captured or killed by Jon,after killing rickon(serving his character justice).-brienne and Jamie will clash,then conspire.jamie with start the fight with blackfish.brienne will encounter blackfish as well and ends up not convincing him to surrender riverrun in order to help fight for Jon and Sansa and take down boltons.Tyrion will thankfully talk to the red woman kinyara.the dragons will get angrier with being locked in captivity and varys,tyrion,etc hear the dragons start to roar.sons of harpy will attack the city,tyrion orders greyworm to defend the city,but the immaculate are being defeated by sheer number,when everything seems to be lost,dany,darthraki and drogon appear and kill sons of harpy.Tyrion will gain great respect and popularity,varys leaves mareen.(I speculate that possibly unknowingly varys and tyrions bond is so tight because tyrion is targaryen).Also I think daario or varys are responsible for sons of harpy.–Sam gets in a fight with a maester using the sword he stole.-Walf dies-cersi probably tries to burn down kings landing,dies probably at hands of mountain -Ramsey will be imprisioned and eaten by hounds or beaten to death after fleeing by Jon -Chaos in kings landing!lanisters and faith eliminated(tyrells survive).-white walkers penetrate wall-ironborn,unsullied,dorthraki(dany),heads to westeros.Dany she definitely survives until season 8 where dragon will be enormous.Final two Dragons to be freed probably episode 9.Brans visions are filling in Roberts rebellion and showing Dragons and wildfire will be vital to defeating white walkers!I believe tyrion,Jon,dany are related.

  11. Where do people see a trial by combat? It is just what people expect. I see Ser Robert Strong fights some faith militants. It doesn't look arena-like and the amount of opponents lets me guess that Cersei snaps and tries to get to Tommen who is all she has left.


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