Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 9 Battle of the Bastards – BEST EPISODE EVER! Review

Alright what’s going on guys it’s Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be giving my thoughts, reaction, and review to the greatest episode of a tv series ever made. The Battle of the Bastards. HBO pulled out all of the stops for this one and created what I can easily say is the best episode of a series ever made. To see this battle on this scale, with this amount of men and done in such a perfect fashion. Man this was something special for sure. This was hands down my favorite episode of a series ever no question. No contest! Spoiler warning!

Not only did we get to see the battle play out in its entirety but we got to see it from the ground floor with some insane angles and incredible shots. We get to see Ramsy and Jon face off a few times and Jon Snow defeat him in brutal fashion. In addition Ramsy is finally killed off by Sansa and his own hounds. Getting to see Wun Wun Kick some Bolton arse and Jon lead the charge was one of the most epic things I have ever seen. This one just killed it. That’s all that really needs to be said, it was the best they’ve done by leaps and bounds.

In addition we also get to see Dany save Mereen with her dragons and the Dothraki army she has now recruited as well. Yara joins Daenerys Targaryen and her cause in exchange for her giving them the Iron Islands if they win. All in all, this was the best episode ever made, I am going to give it a 10 out of 10.

As always thanks for watching everyone!

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  1. My favorite part was when the sons of harpy's were killing people at the gates and then they hear the Dothraki war cries and see all of them on horses running around the mountain at them

  2. this was the best episode ever.. i had to watch it again there was so much going on.. and that battle was the best battle scene I ever seen in TV or Movie, and the Dragon scenes were equally as good.. what a masterpiece!!!

  3. i can't come close to believing that this episode was the best… this is not a show about action; the action is not why I watch it. I don't care about huge fights, though this one was amazing, but the parts I like are the small conversations, the climaxes of the series that aren't in plain battles. Like when Sansa feeds Ramsay to his own dogs – that's a huge moment, better than the battle for me. I liked the conversation between Tyrion and Dany, and how her dragons just burned down everything. The drama and the characters are what make this show great

  4. I didn't like Jon Snows army. Totally not prepared. Also, Rickon is retarded. To run in a straight line was stupid and he paid for it. Back to Jon's Army. First, The Army should not of been lured in like that. It was so predictable. Lots of people killed for nothing. Also, Sansa needs to tell Jon about the Knights of the Vale. He could of waited until they got there. No communication there…………. Also, the giant. Total waste of a 'resource' there. Giant should of had a huge bow and arrow and shot up Bolton's archers. One arrow would of went through several people before stopping not to mention Jon's army would of been out of range for Bolton's archers but not vice versa with the Giants bow. Not only that, but the Giant should of worn armor to deflect the small arrows flying about. Also the giant should of gotten a huge tree and used to as a club. Could of stayed back with his bow/arrow and when the time was right, came running in, swinging. oh well.

  5. I have tried a lot of review sites for Game of Thrones, I have also quit a lot of them for their negative criticisms of the show as if they were wanting to be directors. However, after checking out your site I've decided to stick with you. For the first time, someone's enthusiasm for the show matches my own. Right on brother!

  6. The writing of this episode is highly questionable. There are a ton of sloppy decisions that made the story in the North less than satisfying. It should have been the best episode ever, but they didnt deliver.

  7. lamest episode .
    seriously…everyone knew the Vale was gonna ride in or you werent paying attention.
    Sansa getting all hot and heavy but forgets even to mention the Vale is out there somewhere to John?
    A huge cavalry force near winterfell, but no one scouted them out?
    the amount of bodies piled up would have suggested an army 20 times bigger then was on the field fighting for days in a static battleline. not even during WW1 with machineguns bodies got stacked that high and dense
     Wunwun still couldnt forge some basic kind of weapon or shield? no wonder the giants got extinct…
    the whole of Johns army is fighting on the equivalent of 4 basketball courts when suddenly they find themselves surrounded?
    …. yeah, the cavalry clash was epic but thats about it …
    the producers seem to go for the usual hollywood laziness…" story doesnt need to make sense as long as there's lot of action'…and so does the general public apparently…sad
    and for fucks sake… when getting shot at while running away .zigzag people zig and fuckin' zag, its that simple….

  8. What a lot of people seem to have missed is how Sansa ruined the Northern armies, including the "free folk" and in the process helped solidify Little Finger's control over the North. Hear me out. Sansa either totally f…ed up because of stupidity and arrogance or she knew exactly what she was doing. Meaning, she knowingly allowed the death of thousands of northerners and 'free folk' as well as the almost complete destruction of the northern army to take place, when she could have prevented it. In other words, allowing the fight to take place and not telling Jon that Little Finger with the army of the Vale were about to get there. Now, because of what she did, Little Finger has the upper hand. The Vale is by far the strongest force in the North courtesy of Sansa. If Jon does not ask Sansa some serious questions about this very fact we in the next episode, then the writers are asleep! After all they did kinda screw up Arya's storyline with her irrational behavior prancing about in the bazaars, in daylight, and knowing assassin(s) were after her. Sansa is not the strategist people believe she is. She literally was willing to sacrifice Jon and the Northern Army so that she could claim Winterfel. If I were Jon, I would be so pissed off at her. I would let her have it, verbally speaking of course. This issue has to come up in episode 10, otherwise the show needs new writers. Everyone wants to root for Sansa without realizing what a major fuck up she really is. Yes, she has been used, abused and raped by a psychopath. But those things do not give her the right to sacrifice thousands of men so she could get Winterfel. She obviously does not trust Jon and is unfortunately dumb enough to be played by Little Finger. And Jon is too naive and nice to have figured out how badly Sansa f***ed him over!!!

  9. i agree this battle tops alot of movies like braveheart and in alot of ways the battles in the lotr trilogy. just 100% gritty, brutal , and epic. i also thought that jon snow might die again after melisandre said she would have to try and bring him back again if he died. you never really have that thought in most movie battles you know that the main hero is not going to die.

  10. i totally agree: no movie or any other tv show ever made me feel this way b4. my body started trembling so hard my body was coming off the floor with my teeth chattering as if i was cold or something. an extreme rush of energy coursing through my veins. i felt so alive as if i was there

  11. I have a few very important questions.
    One,can the Red Woman bring back Rickon? Why the hell no one suggest that? Jon immediately said,we gonna bury him next to our father,like no one gives a shit about the poor kid.
    And two,why is no one amazed by the creatures they see? Boltons saw a giant no one even mentioned something about this,and the slave masters saw the dragon and they still think Daenerys will surrender and they will kill her two dragons,come on really?


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