Must see Daenerys Dragons fight!!

#DaenerysDragonsFight #GOTs06e09 #GameOfThrones0609



  1. There was no "dragons fight" in this video. All it was was Danerys talking tough with her big lizards, them intimidating people for a few minutes, and then leaving. No fights of any kind.

  2. Gbbbugguhyhgyyyt5guujfdrguujju u rrgujuijbyyggyyvftdtv gnukjj fgry the iytr bvftyguh yvytfhvwz😅😙🙄😏🙄hbngbvhyrd x tyfc ygf fvcfyfgvcvyfcv tfv fvctfv ytfvytfcytcvfft6c yfcvcfvyyfcvyyfcvytfcyfctyfcyvvyfctyfvtcgvb fxs ecdhgk I jg d ssxxghhhhfdwezeazx4cxesv7fbyg7n u uhb ggbyhg7bhbjggnuybygnbygnbyvbgyb gyugyybvgbvgbuyvguyvgbhuu g tguukggrtbhnhhhyvyfgycgvbjjhb jhggyvtfvyvytfccytfvfytvcvytf

  3. WHY our QUEEN Daenerys Stormborn, of the Blood of old Valyria – Queen of Meereen, Astapor and Yunkai , Queen of the Andals( and the Rhoynar,) and the First Men, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea and now KhalIKhal of DOTRAKI, Mhysa, Breaker of Chains, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons just talk to such a NOOP than Queeen Cersei which d´ nothings onwed besides Kings'Landing (just enemies – SOUHT DORNE, Rosengarten, EAST – ALL Islands (Baratheon Land), North – Starks/((Nightwatch)), WEST- Iron Islands ?????

  4. Scariest moment for the slavers: Drogon landing in front of them like a boss. Give that Dragon some cred, he doesn't just land, he lands on the castle behind first and really shows off before thumping down to the ground. The guy knows how to make an entrance!

    Second scariest moment for the remaining slaver: Having a dwarf softly lay his hand on his shoulder. Its like Tyrion is saying, "I know I can't hurt you. I'm not even trying to hurt you. I know I'm a dwarf and you're not going to be scared of me. That doesn't matter, because a friend of a friend is a dragon, so you'll respect my hand on your shoulder or I might call in a favour."

  5. The CGI on these dragons has prevailed so fucking much season by season. Was fucking lousy when Drogon saved Daenerys in season 5, but now. I mean just pause at 1:46 and really apprehend how fucking incentive and badass he looks. Glaring and harsh eyes, flaring nostrils, reptilian skin, muscles. You can literally see his tendons and ligaments.


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