Game of thrones season 6 Episode 9 Preview
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GOT S06E08 – The Battle of Bastards
Why there must always be a Stark in Winterfell?
Game of Thrones season 6 | Sansa Stark Prophecy
Game of thrones Season 6 ► Episode 9 ► The Battle of Bastards ► Jon Snow ► Ramsay Snow ► Sansa Stark ► Ser Davos ► The Red woman ► The Wildlings ► Umbers ► Karstarks ► Rickon Stark
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They supported Ramsey because there afraid of being executed if they dont
spoiler alert for any fans that have not seen this episode it is barbaric Rikon is to run to Jone snow wail ramsays shoots him arrows with and forces Jone to ride out to get him then he sees him dying and there battle plan is is out the door by that move. my eyes have been opened to the truth about this show some of its episopdes are horrible some of men and wimen are treated is terrible i like how some are in a political position and other stuff this is what makes people they can go get a gun and kill others if you don't so then your are sick in the head.
WHAT?? I can't hear shit.
Stupid idiut
Damn. Why did you have to spoil Rickons fate?
Damn dude u were right on with ur prediction good stuff man. will watch more of ur videos thanks…….
I'm glad you gave out the spoilers. I fucking hate seeing those sad deaths in GoT. I was very into suspense of GoT until the viper. After that, fuck it. I now prefer spoilers, so I go to youtube and reddit before watching the episode.
ok i am watching episode 9 to night and if John snow die i will delete my hbo..
People get theory too far… Jon will win because Aria Stark will apear from nowhere, the sun will go down and BANG! She will kill every Bolton. Because she is Aria Stark from Winterfell.
So glad Dorne is done. What a mess that was. Please no Dorne in EP 10. And no long Dany speeches
wun wun dies. Tormund lives. Tommen kills himself later in 10. Margey and her mother d ie. get hype. ramsay gets taken hostage and may die by hounds or Ghost. That is what I think!
Knights of the Vale obviously coming. Yeah I agree with little finger coming later. Like he has said. he likes coming once the majority have killed each other
the bastards fight on father's day. how appropriate.
Dude, your video has an audio problem.
The flayed corpses are….the night's watch..
Three possibilities I see. 1) Little Bird shows up with the Army of the Arryn's, just in the nick of time. 2) The Umber's decide to betray the Bolton army at a critical moment in the battle, or when Little Bird shows up (they are opportunists and see a chance to get rid of the Boltons and regain favor with House Stark. or 3) a surprise group comes in late to help change the course of the battle (Brotherhood, Tully Army, witchcraft from the Red Woman) although these possibilities are very unlikely.
I hope Ramsay is captured by thenns.
When Jon says, "If I die, don't bring me back.", does it sound like there's heavy breathing in the background? The heavy breathing could easily be for nothing but effect, but because that piece of dialogue (and the breathing) is shown over a scene between Jon and Melisandre? My prediction is Jon has sex with Melisandre in the ep, then post-coitus Jon tells her if he dies not to resurrect him. Melisandre tried to seduce Jon once, but he rejected her. I think he did that then for a few reasons, because he was Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and they're technically not supposed to do that sort of thing (though we all know many NW fked prostitutes in the nearby town anyway, Lord Commander Jon seemed like he was at least trying to uphold his vows post-Ygritte) and because he was still hung-up on Ygritte. Jon is no longer Night's Watch, it's been a long time since Ygritte (and he's likely past mourning her) and he's already died once and may very likely die again, so maybe Jon just goes for it this time. LOL Jon also hasn't seemed himself post-resurrection, but Jon seemed really tempted to bang Melisandre even prior dying, so him dying may have nothing to do with it. Dude hasn't had sex in a long time, I wouldn't blame him.
Normally I don't really give two shits about who the characters bang, since so much of it happens in GOT, but I only bring it up because of Melisandre. Melisandre has used sex as part of her magic & rituals before. I don't know if we get another creepy shadow assassin baby, I doubt it, but could still be Melisandre uses sex with Jon as part of a spell (there is a spoiler around – I think one of truende's spoilers – that says Melisandre casts a spell to help Jon & his army).
Though if Jon does fk Melisandre, I'd LOL considering we find out in "The Red Woman" – without magic – Melisandre looks like a decrepit old great-granny. Jon thinking he's banging hot, young Melisandre, he's really banging a borderline mummy. LMAO
hear. is a spoiler alert the queen wants to burn kings landing so Jamie has to thus kill her too. full filling the prophesied. younger brother killing her and the woman he loves
can't hear a thing 🖓
Melissandre will be killed by Davros. Wun wun and Tormund die in battle. Littlefinger arrives before the Starks are run over by Ramsay and the Knights of the Vale save the day for House Stark. Ramsay escapes into the woods, only to meet up with Samwell Tarly who is coming back north with Gilly and his son, and Sam kills Ramsay using HeartsBane, Rickon dies after the battle, near Sansa and Jon. Very few wildlings survive, solving that problem. Tormund does not get to hook up with Brienne 🙁
you know that scene when Jon is on his feet and men on horses are coming towards him? I think that Ramsey will accept his request for one on one, and than order his trups to kill him. I expect the biggest douchebagary in this episode
That bit about Rickon being killed is probably accurate.
mark my words
chAracters that will die
– the wilding that gave his hand to jon snow
-wun wun
– davos
-and tormunt
i am sure that if jon wins the batle he will not kill ramsey but he will ''play with him''
your audio output is very low.
Dickie Valentine
they should turn to jon snow he will rule the north afterall hes not a snow hes a tar…,,,
Not sure about the Karstarks since Robb killed their leader but I'm sure that at least the Small Umber will turn on the Boltons and probably some other northern houses.
The little Princesses death in season five was the worst thing I'd seen on GOT since the Red Wedding. I could not watch all of it. I had to turn the channel until it was over.
I totally forget about Milesandre's vision about the victory at Winterfell! 😀 Hopefully it pans out like that.
Little finger will come last minute to help defeat the Boltons then the other houses will flip and support the Starks again.
god this guy sounds like a computer
Dude are you a robot?
Dude….turn up the volume…please.
When's the last time we even saw Ramsay? What has he done since the Smalljon gave Rickon to him, now? I can't remember. He stopped being an interesting character awhile back, which makes him a suitable rival for Jon, considering the latter's whole resurrection thing has been stripped of its apparent narrative purpose. Steadily thinning characters engaged in one long battle scene after another could get dull in a hurry. Wouldn't that be wild if something unexpected happened?! Not bloody likely, of course.
What if Jaimi Lannister comes to help Brienne? 😉
I really hope that Recon Won't get killed
As long as Ghost doesnt die wverytging will be okay!After getting everything wrong about Arya in Episode8,I do not trust my instincts at all .
I will say that without a doubt there are alot of events that will be happening that no one yet has guessed as vague and obvious as that does sound. Speculation is that the Umbers will switch sides and fight with Jon snow and littlefinger will pull a Tywin Lannister move and take the credit for saving the day after Jon and the wildings have don most of the fighting,
My prediction is that some of this episode will revist "The Tower Of Joy" and Bran will clearly see that Jon Snow is actually Jon Targaryan a d as far as the battle of the bastards ,something is going to happen that no one has seen coming and all these predictions will be so farnoff the mark once again as again all this speculstion is just too obvious But then again who knows? Tell me what is everyone missing
I think we've all been expecting that little finger will be helping Jon, but what if little finger ask the lanisters to help instead. After all they are then ones that are suppose to make sure that everything is running smoothly also Sansa still needs to answer for the death of jafery. So in the mix of helping Jon at the end they take Sansa to answer for her punishment. And little finger gains the fact that he has gotten rid of Sansa because why would he want the burden of owing something to someone else. Plus the boltons are in the wrong in all of this
I like your predictions and reviews, however I disagree that Ramsey and the Boltons army would be worse then the whitewalker army,
Yes Ramsey is probably crueler and sadistic and loves to torture as the Whitewalkers will simply destroy you and simply add you to their Dead Army
At the end ofthe Hard Home Battle I believe the Night King did let Jon snow and Some of the wildings go as he wanted them to see the strength of his powers by slowely raising his arms and bringing the dead back to life.
As Coldhands said"The dead dont rest". But Again Ramsey is worse in the regard of Torture but that is about it. (I had to comment as I havong been reading that sone think JonSnow is stupid and unaware, Having said that Yes I agree he underestimates how psychopathic and Evil Ramsey Bolton is. Cheers
Wun wun lives! Don't ask how I know
House Umber will turn on Ramsay…