Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 9 Trailer & Episode 8 Recap Clips and Featurette – 2016 HBO Series – Jon Snow vs Ramsay Bolton

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Game of Thrones ist eine US-amerikanische Dramaserie aus dem Hause HBO. Die Geschichte basiert auf George R.R. Martins Romanreihe A Song of Ice and Fire, die hierzulande unter dem Titel Das Lied von Eis und Feuer geläufig ist. Angesiedelt in den sieben Königreichen von Westeros folgt Game of Thrones den noblen Herrscherfamilien, die um die Kontrolle über den Eisernen Thron kämpfen und darüber hinaus gemeinsam gegen böse Mächte aus dem eisigen Norden antreten müssen.



  1. It's a pity, it was a great show, but the hype got to them. It was well written and unpredictable, now it is just predictable fairy tale. Last minute saves, good guys cannot die (or if they die they are resurrected), bad guys get richly deserved punishments, the most interesting character – Tyrion is relegated to some soap opera, second tier drinking and babbling… Pity, but it was probably impossible to sustain the quality this long.

  2. i think this battle is going to have a bitter sweet ending. jon will win the battle with the last min help from little finger. however, it will be at the cost of the wildlings, sansa, and rickon. All the wildlings will be dead. They will be the last of the free folk. sansa and rickon will be dead too. jon will become the lord of winterfell

  3. Question is who sent the pink letter? If Littlefinger sent the letter. Then his play would be to attack Winterfell while Ramsey attacks the Starks. Doing so could cause the Bolton army to collapse.

  4. Don't forget everybody. At the season premiere in L.A. Dan & Dave did say that this is the "feel good season. Where everything goes their way." So I believe Jon Snow will be saved.

  5. All of this season felt about "returning to the roots". By the end of
    last season with the death of John, all the period of "joy" ended.
    All the stuff where everyone figured it's place in the world got washed.
    They got reminded of the "path" they ware set upon at the beginning of
    the series.
    Now they are reminding everyone that everything is about the white
    walkers and all the Game, was a setup for the final battle.
    Now all characters need to get back on track, Arya to her list, that
    will bring her "peace" and hopefully lead her to Rob.
    Sansa already got lead to rob, she knows about the real battle she will
    be a big piece on the board, if she will control the North.
    The Dragon Blonde, also returned to the main mission that eventualy will
    lead her to the real battle in the north because she is needed there
    with the fire stuff.
    The Lanisters might join the big battle… but their only quest in this
    series was the Throne… so.. mh. They might just die because there is
    no place on the throne for them. They stole the throne anyway and others
    have or will have better claim to it. Also others have or will have
    better means to take it.
    So yeah.. in the end it will be like a battle of the middle earth where
    all armies will join to fight a common enemy.
    If you look at the characters from an RPG point of view… there is your
    character development. Warrior… Rogue… Paladin whatever. Mix it
    with a bit of history, add some fantasy and voila! You have a Game of

  6. I reckon the Knights of the Vale will show up. In episode 7 Sansa wrote a letter and it's implied she sent it via raven, so presumably its a different letter to the one she sent to Riverrun with Brienne.

  7. How was Jamie the only one in the entire army to spot a boat leaving the castle? And I get it that he raised his hand because he knew who was on that boat, but no way in hell would Brienne spot him standing on the battlements raising his hand in the night/early daw.


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