Wow was this an intense episode of Game of Thrones! So many theories confirmed! What was your favorite moment in the episode? Sound of in the comment section below and subscribe!



  1. I personally believe that jhon is daeneris's cousin and that he will end up marrying her. Like she said she's a queen and she has to make compromises, or something like that when she told her lover that he wasn't going with her

  2. Tywin Lannister actually orchestrated the Red Wedding (along w/Roose), not Walder Frey. Walder was a pawn in their game. In fact, just found a telling book-clue that Tywin orchestrated Robb breaking his oath to ol Walder. Of course it plays out differently in the narrative, but either way, Robb fucked up royally.

  3. Arya didn't take a mask, at least I don't think so, she more than likely cut a face for herself. Now I know what most of you might say, that she would be taking a kill that's not an offering for the many faced god, but she's NOT (no one), even though Jaqen said so she claims she's still arya stark now she will be using her new assassin skills without following the face less men cult with one idea in mind… Revenge

  4. All these people going on about how Daenerys will be unstoppable with her dragons seem to be forgetting that Greyjoy has a horn that binds dragons. I'm sure next season we'll see a struggle to control the dragons

  5. She could have killed the girl (sad) and took her face. at least that's what I thought at the time. but tbh I'm not 100% sure on that, it's just what makes the most "sense" atm.

  6. Dude, you talk a bit too fast! I try to listen to every word, because you are giving a good talk. But a few words I just missed. If you want to be heard 100%, mind your talking speed and clarity, I guess. Thanks for the video (y)

  7. I think R+L=J is huge, but not necessarily because of any claim to the iron throne. Because unless Jon's parents were secretly married, he's still a bastard. I think it's important just because it makes Jon extremely special, even more special than Bran being the Three Eyed Raven. He's a direct descendant of both Bran The Builder, who built The Wall with all its magic, and Aegon The Conquer, who conquered all of Westeroros with his three dragons. In the end I believe Jon will end up on the Iron Throne, not because any laws of succession, but because the people will demand it, much like when he became Lord Commander of The Nights Watch, and now King of the North.

  8. dude tyrion is 1 of the 3 most important characters on the show, there is a prophecy, something about the 3 dragons needed to save the world, dany of course we all know, jon we all assumed an now know is for sure an the 3rd is tyrion. the mad king had sum fun w/ tywins wife when he was hand of the king. its a known fact that all the mad kings kids gave the mother problems an issues and well this one killed her, alltho this is just my theory i will say it will come to be just like we all new jon was ragars an lyanas son. dany will be sent to the winter that always is w/ her dragons and the white walkers, jon will carry the horn and be the protector of the doorway to always winter, and tyrion rebuilds the world. cant beat the dead, will have to negotiate peace w/ them like they did before. the night king wont allow dragons so thats why dany will decide to take the dragons to always winter an live out her days there, we saw it already when she was in the house of the undying, jon will live out his days protecting the doorway to always winter and tyrion will be the mastermind behind the whole negotiation. an oh yeah, jamie will be the brother that kills cersei, he full fills that prophecy also.

  9. This episode was awesome. I belive much people had to die so the ones left could focus on the wars to come. I think that in the middle of the battle for the 7 kingdom the white walkers will appear, making everyone focus on the real enemy. I also think Jamie will kill cerci. And I hope little finger gets his just dessert.

  10. in regards to the name lyanna whispered to Ned is much debated, me and a few other ice and fire theorists have thought, how his name is spelt, in our reality jon is normally spelt John or if youre from Africa juan, what if jon was a simplifeid version of a abbrivation of his real name? it would make sense, some think his name could be aegon
    highly unlikley, but i would make sense not entirely lying to his face about who he is but not giving the truth about him, kinda like obi wan tells luke about his father partially.

  11. Jons origin revealed was a bomb being drop. Danny f_ing queen sailing for Westeros is Atomic bomb going off. Wars for the Iron Throne has begin. Jamie is still a prick. He needs to start showing a pair, if he is to have any hopes of saving his family name. Oh yeah Three house vs one. That queen is son dead. The war for Westeros has begin.


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