Game of thrones season 6 | Ironborn | The Wall

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In this video, I give my predictions & theories for the Ironborn characters for season 6.

Game of thrones ► season 6 ► Euron Greyjoy ► Kingsmoot ► Iron islands ► Balon Greyjoy ► Yara Greyjoy ► The Wall ► Oldtown ► Horn of winter ► Night’s king ► white walkers

Game of thrones season 6 | Samwell Tarly predictions

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  1. I still think that Samwell, has the Horn of Winter. It is overlooked as being important because it is in such a sorry state, and not ostentatious. But that is what makes me think it is the real thing. It hasn't been used yet.

  2. The mouthpiece of the horn that Sam found is so big that Jon Snow could put his arm in it. It can't be blown by a human then. My guess is that it can only be blown by giants. In the books Jon keeps a giant, Wun Wun, in Castle Black.

  3. Spoiler Alert.!
    Euron's horn is for controlling dragons or so he believes , But at the end of book 5 , he sort of blew the horn and probably nothing happened (Will know in Winds of Winter) . Nobody knows what the winter horn actually does , some believe it brings down the wall , some believe it awakens the snow dragon and so on . i am pretty sure that Brandon will have to do something with winter's horn and flying .

  4. the horn of mance wasnt real. If it were why did he never blow it? instead he had his "army" march on the wall to get past it. Had he had the horn of winter he would have taken down the wall to get through. But he didnt. Why? because it was a hoax. We dont know shit about how the real horn of winter looks 😉
    One could argue that mance didnt take down the wall because obviously it wouldnt hold back the WW anymore… but the wildlings meant to march so far south they would have just not given a shit about the north

  5. Wow!!! I completely forgot that Sam found a horn along with the Dragon glass. I think it's possible that the horn Sam found is the horn of Winter, but I'm not sure how it will play a role in bringing down the wall, since Sam will be in Oldtown. As far as Theon's involvement in Iron Islands affair, I really doubt it. I think Yara (Asha in the books) will attempt to claim the Iron Islands for herself during the Kingsmoot like she does in A Feast of Crows, but will fail, leading to Euron's coronation. I think it's highly possible that Euron will attempt to take over Oldtown, Highgarden and the Reach. This will create great concern among the Tyrells, leading Loras to lead an army against them (similarly to how he leads an army against Stannis' remaining forces in Dragonstone in the books). However, if this happens, I'm not sure what the purpose will be from Cersei's perspective. Perhaps she wants Loras away to leave Margaery vulnerable for a potential assassination. In any event, Euron's conquest of Oldtown and the Reach will probably be his only goal this season. His ultimate goal of using the horn to bind dragons to him or bringing down the wall will be saved for a later season (if ever).

  6. oldtown is not an overwhelming target?, wtf u on lol, the hightowers have had no levies used in the war, its a vassal of highgarden but doesn't have to give troops, It's the richest city in westros by a large margin, it's not being sacked or conquered since they built the new wall around it, (the last time the ironborn sacked it) like 200 years ago, although alot of people have tried to no avail since, and to take oldtown they would have to take battle isles as well, which is damm near impossible unless you starve them out.

  7. Euron has the Dragonbinder horn in the books, not The Horn of Winter. Euron's man blows it and it kills him. What makes you think he would have the Horn of Winter? He's been over in the Far East, by Asshai, I think, not beyond The Wall…


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