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  1. hear me out: my theory is that Cersei will try to set the whole Kingslanding on fire with the wildfire and Jaime will stop her the same way he stopped the madking, by killing her just like that woman's prophecy said her younr brother would kill her.

  2. didn't maggie the frog tell cersie in the book that she would loose all of her children? so i would say that Marcella is definitely dead and tommen is next but how will he go? will the tyrels take him out or dany?

  3. I think maybe Gendry will be back. In season 5 episode 7 petyr baelish speaks with lady olenna of a gift: "a handsome young man". It might be that Gendry arrived kings landing during season 5, but we never saw and petyr baelish confronted him. im not sure if its clear in the show, but in the books baelish knows that cersei's children are born of incest. so gendry might come back

  4. 6:18 The only reason Jaime took a place on the king's guard was to be with Cersei. They knew Tywin was going to make him wed some girl, to have children and continue with the legacy, inheriting Casterly Rock, so Cersei convinced him to join the King's guard. she asked him "what do you want? a rock or me?" so he chose to wear the withe cloak (without telling Tywin so he couldn't stop him) so what happend in king's landing would have never affected him (not in that way at least) and he wouldn't have gained that "kinglayer" nickname

  5. Sorry if this was mentioned, but if Gendry isn't coming back, who is the "gift of a young man" that Little Finger keeps talking about? I thought he might be one of the gifts he has. But maybe that doesn't make sense, because Cercei would just kill him and what would grandma Highgarden do with a bastard Baratheon? Marry Margeary AGAIN?

  6. on the one hand, I understand the show has to streamline the story but I also really hate the dead end stories. Walder Frey wasn't really a dead end. The show implied that he would continue being a douchy social climber and that Roose Bolton would get the North. That happened. The real cliff hangers from the Red Wedding are the Blackfish and Edmure. I would've liked to have seen their fates determined. Gendry is a disappointing dead end, though. He's the only surviving heir to Robert and now the only "Baratheon" left on the show and he simply rowed away never to be seen again. That sucks.

  7. When did Margaery and Loras confess? I thought Cersei did the Walk of Shame because that was the Mother's Mercy since she confessed adultery. She's still acused of incest and killing Robert and that's why she's getting a trial. The Tyrells are still acused of both things and are waiting for their triall as well.

  8. I think Arya's blindness will make her more aware of her warging skills; seems a natural parallel to Bran.

    Also, I thought Robert had the strongest claim to the throne because of his house's dynastic ties to the Targaryens. Specifically Rhaelle Targaryen, his paternal grandmother.

  9. about Arya being blind, I heard her mention in an interview how hard it was to try and sword fight with these blind contacts in her eyes. so she will definitely be doing some action scenes while she's blind, otherwise why would she be practicing choreography for sword fights while wearing these contacts. … just a thought. I wish I could find the interview where she said it. if anyone is curious I can try to find it….


    What do people think of the idea that Cersei's trial will end up being a 'Trial By Seven'? I think this could happen for a few reasons:

    * There have already been a few 'Trial By Combat' scenes, and so another may seem to be over-using the idea and be a bit repetitive
    * It has been been mentioned in books and DVD extras that a 'Trial By Seven' can be requested and they have occured before
    * It's 'The Faith of the Seven', so it'd be very apt.

    This would work with 'Cleganebowl', with the two Clegane's naturally being the last men standing. On TV Loras and Lancel could end up being part of it, and Loras may get badly injured and/or die, to link with his storyline in the books.

    No idea who the other dudes (or dudette's) might be.

    Any thoughts anyone?

  11. If Jaime was Lord of Casterly rock, he would never have been kingsguard and the mad king would go through with his plan of exploding the whole city with Wildfire. Burning everything.

  12. Robert became king not because of popularity or something. He was the only (rebel) lord with Targaryen blood (since the Baratheons have a Targaryen parent), and that makes him the legitimate suitor for the throne.

  13. This show borrows so much from the Chinese dynasties and folklore its crazy… the Stark's family???… Just google search the Yang Family… the sacrifices follow the same principle.

  14. Charlie: "This question is from Kiana"-
    Me: HOLY FUCK THAT'S ME! heart drops for a second 
    Wait….I never asked a question… 
    reads that it is spelled differently and different last name Ohhh! Lol

  15. What do you think, is it possible that Jon Snow will get resurrected by Lady Melissandre, and be the replacement for Lady Stoneheart, he could lead a group of wildlings, and it would be possible for him to catch brienne, who could deliver him Jamie. This even could solve the problem of Jon Snow's parentage, as Jamie was a kingsguard, in the times of "kidnapping" of Lyanna, and 3 of the kingsguard guarded the tower of Joy.

  16. Let's say the White Walkers defeat Westeros. What then? Will they turn against Essos? Will they start a new civilisation? Will the winter follow them? Will they live in the south, even during summer? Will they simply return to the north? What is their goal?

  17. i dont understand why the seasons have just 10 episodes!! They are omiting way too much stuff. When i started watching the series i thought that it wouldnt be necessary to read the books, but now i feel im missing A LOT.

  18. Well I mean it makes sense for Jamie to rally around Tommen instead of Cersei. Tommen isn't just a king who Jamie thinks will do well, but his last child, and son! After that little heart to heart moment with Mercella I believe it made Jamie really appreciate, and love his kids. Now that he saw 2 of his 3 children die in front of his eyes I believe he will be that fatherly figure for Tommen and show him some good guidance.

  19. Isn't Arya a warg? Wouldn't the faceless men having a warg controlling animals to assassinate come in really handy? Maybe making her blind will cause her to develop her connection with animals to the point of controlling them. Just a thought, I'm not trying to upset the internets here…


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