Game of Thrones season 6 | Jon Snow’s return – Trailer Analysis


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Trailer anlaysis regarding Jon Snow’s return

Game of thrones season 6 | Trailer Breakdown (Red Band)

Game of thrones season 6 | R+L=J | Will Jon Snow’s parents get revealed?

Game of Thrones season 6 ā–ŗ Trailer Analysis ā–ŗ Jon Snow’s return ā–ŗSer Davos ā–ŗ Melisandre ā–ŗ Boltons ā–ŗ Wildlings ā–ŗ Northern lords

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  1. At the intro there is already the foreshadowing!! I have been dying to see this scene where rhaegar and lianna is inlove then the rebels overthrow rhaegar the mad king then found jon snow R+L=J confirmed! Also want to see theon gets the greyjoy iron throne and helps jon killing ramsey for the war of the north and the revenge of lady stoneheart with it

  2. I saw the red woman.. goes form very sexy and young.. and ..well.. to very old and ..very nasty.. but I hope Jon isn t dead.. and he comes back.. he is the only one how can save the North and the Seven Kingdoms.. and I do bellive he is .. a Stark-Targeryen. if he is that.. he doesn t only are Heir to the North and Winterfell, but he is a Key role for Peace in the seven kingdoms too.

  3. GRRM sacrificed many good characters and kept shit load of bad characters alive trying to make a point? What Fucking point is he trying to make? All he has ever done so far was keeping us impatience about whether when the Lannisters, Boltons and the Freys will be overthrown. These families murdered many people and they are still not on their Knees. Seriously, how long will he continue to keep them alive?

  4. Know who's death is really going to bother me? Davos Seaworth. He's one of the truly good people on the show, and he's played by a remarkable actor. Unfortunately I think his arc may have run its course. šŸ™


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